Source code for ixpeobssim.utils.time_

#!/urs/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2018, the ixpeobssim team.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

"""Module for time conversions and related utilities.

from __future__ import print_function, division

import time
import datetime

from matplotlib.dates import date2num

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

# The mission start date and time.
MISSION_START_DATETIME = datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1)

# The Unix time of the mission start (January 1, 2017).
# This is shamelessly taken from

# Modified Julian Date at the mission start (January 1, 2017).
# Taken from

# Fractional part of the reference MJD (32.184 secs + 37 leap secs).
MISSION_START_MJDREFF = 8.0074074074e-04

# Default datetime format string.
DATETIME_FMT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'

# Launch date.
LAUNCH_DATETIME = '2021-12-09T06:00:00.0'

[docs] class xTimeInterval: """Small convenience class to encapsulate the very concept of a time interval. This was added after in an attempt to avoid code duplications wherever we have objects (e.g., GTIs, observation epochs or calibration runs) that have a start and a stop time. Note that all the times are assumed to be in MET. """ def __init__(self, start_met, stop_met): """Constructor. """ if stop_met <= start_met: raise ValueError self.start_met = start_met self.stop_met = stop_met
[docs] def bounds(self): """Return the bounds of the epoch in the form of a two-element tuple (start, stop). """ return (self.start_met, self.stop_met)
@property def duration(self): """Return the total duration of the time interval in seconds. """ return self.stop_met - self.start_met def __str__(self): """String formatting. """ return '%.3f--%.3f (%.3f s)' % (self.start_met, self.stop_met, self.duration)
[docs] class UTCTimezone(datetime.tzinfo): """Derived tzinfo object to support the UTC timezone with Python 2. See for more details. """ __ZERO = datetime.timedelta(0)
[docs] def utcoffset(self, dt): return self.__ZERO
[docs] def dst(self, dt): return self.__ZERO
[docs] def tzname(self, dt): return 'UTC'
"""UTC tzinfo object. """ try: # In Python 3 we have native support for UTC tzinfo. UTC_TZINFO = datetime.timezone.utc except AttributeError: # Hack for Python 2: use the custom tzinfo derived class defined above. UTC_TZINFO = UTCTimezone()
[docs] def unix_to_met(ut): """Convert a Unix time to a MET. Args ---- ut : float The input Unix time. Returns ------- float The mission elapsed time corresponding to the input Unix time. """ return ut - MISSION_START_UNIX_TIME
[docs] def met_to_unix(met): """Convert a MET to a Unix time. Args ---- met : float The input mission elapsed time. Returns ------- float The Unix time corresponding to the input mission elapsed time. """ return met + MISSION_START_UNIX_TIME
def _datetime(ut, tzinfo=UTC_TZINFO): """Convenience "private" function to convert a Unix time into a datetime object. Args ---- ut : float The input Unix time. tzinfo : a datetime.timezone instance or None The timezone info (use None for local time). Returns ------- datetime.datetime instance The date and time corresponding to the input Unix time. """ return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ut, tzinfo)
[docs] def unix_to_string(ut, tzinfo=UTC_TZINFO, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Convert a Unix time to a string expressing time and date. Args ---- ut : float The input Unix time. tzinfo : a datetime.timezone instance or None The timezone info (use None for local time). fmt : string The format for the output string Returns ------- string The string corresponding to the input time """ return _datetime(ut, tzinfo).strftime(fmt)
[docs] def unix_to_string_utc(ut, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Convert a Unix time to a string representing UTC date and time. Args ---- ut : float The input Unix time. fmt : string The format for the output string Returns ------- string The string corresponding to the input time """ return unix_to_string(ut, UTC_TZINFO, fmt)
[docs] def unix_to_string_local(ut, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Convert a Unix time to a string representing local date and time. Args ---- ut : float The input Unix time. fmt : string The format for the output string Returns ------- string The string corresponding to the input time """ return unix_to_string(ut, None, fmt)
[docs] def met_to_string(met, tzinfo=UTC_TZINFO, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Convert a MET to a string expressing time and date. Args ---- met : float The input mission elapsed time. tzinfo : a datetime.timezone instance or None The timezone info (use None for local time). fmt : string The format for the output string Returns ------- string The string corresponding to the input time """ return unix_to_string(met_to_unix(met), tzinfo, fmt)
[docs] def met_to_string_utc(met, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Convert a MET to a string representing UTC date and time. Args ---- met : float The input mission elapsed time. fmt : string The format for the output string Returns ------- string The string corresponding to the input time """ return met_to_string(met, UTC_TZINFO, fmt)
[docs] def met_to_string_local(met, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Convert a MET to a string representing local date and time. Args ---- met : float The input mission elapsed time. fmt : string The format for the output string Returns ------- string The string corresponding to the input time """ return met_to_string(met, None, fmt)
def _datetime_to_timestamp(dt, tzinfo): """Python 2 emulation of datetime.datetime.timestamp() method. This is used with Python 2x in the _timestamp() convenience function below. See and for more information. """ if tzinfo is None: return time.mktime(dt.timetuple()) + dt.microsecond / 1.e6 _epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=tzinfo) return (dt - _epoch).total_seconds() def _timestamp(string, tzinfo=UTC_TZINFO, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Convenience "private" function to convert a string representing a date and time into a Unix time. Args ---- string : string The input datetime string. tzinfo : a datetime.timezone instance or None The timezone info (use None for local time). fmt : string An optional format specifier for non standard input string Returns ------- float The Unix time corresponding to the input string. """ # Create a naive datetime object corresponding to the input string. dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(string, fmt) # If necessary set the timezone information (note that datetime objects # are immutable, so we need to create a new copy, here.) if dt is not None: dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo) # And, finally, convert into a Unix time. try: # Python 3. return dt.timestamp() except AttributeError: # Hack for supporting Python 2. return _datetime_to_timestamp(dt, tzinfo) def _format_datetime_lazy(string): """Convenience string-processing function to adapt a string expressing a date correctly in our %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f format, adding the missing fields, if any. """ if not 'T' in string: # This is a pure date---add all the missing fields. return '%sT00:00:00.0' % string if '.' in string: # We assume that this is a well-formed, complete datetime string. return string # If we are here it means that we have a partially formed datetime and we # need to fill in the blanks. fields = string.split('T')[1].split(':') assert len(fields) > 0 return '%s%s.0' % (string, ':00' * (3 - len(fields)))
[docs] def string_to_unix(string, tzinfo=UTC_TZINFO, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Convert a string expressing time and date to a Unix time. Args ---- string : string The input datetime string. tzinfo : a datetime.timezone instance or None The timezone info (use None for local time). fmt : string An optional format specifier for non standard input string Returns ------- float The Unix time corresponding to the input string. """ return _timestamp(string, tzinfo, fmt=fmt)
[docs] def string_to_unix_utc(string, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Convert a string expressing a UTC time and date to a Unix time. Args ---- string : string The input datetime string. fmt : string An optional format specifier for non standard input string Returns ------- float The Unix time corresponding to the input string. """ return _timestamp(string, UTC_TZINFO, fmt=fmt)
[docs] def string_to_unix_local(string, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Convert a string expressing a local time and date to a Unix time. Args ---- string : string The input datetime string. fmt : string An optional format specifier for non standard input string Returns ------- float The Unix time corresponding to the input string. """ return _timestamp(string, None, fmt=fmt)
[docs] def string_to_met(string, tzinfo=UTC_TZINFO, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Convert a string expressing time and date to a MET. Args ---- string : string The input datetime string. tzinfo : a datetime.timezone instance or None The timezone info (use None for local time). fmt : string An optional format specifier for non standard input string Returns ------- float The mission elapsed time corresponding to the input string. """ return unix_to_met(string_to_unix(string, tzinfo, fmt=fmt))
[docs] def string_to_met_utc(string, lazy=False, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Convert a string expressing a UTC time and date to a MET. Args ---- string : string The input datetime string. lazy : bool Flag to attempt and auto-fix partially formed datetime strings. fmt : string An optional format specifier for non standard input string Returns ------- float The mission elapsed time corresponding to the input string. """ if lazy: string = _format_datetime_lazy(string) return string_to_met(string, UTC_TZINFO, fmt=fmt)
LAUNCH_MET = string_to_met_utc(LAUNCH_DATETIME)
[docs] def string_to_met_local(string, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Convert a string expressing a local time and date to a MET. Args ---- string : string The input datetime string. fmt : string An optional format specifier for non standard input string Returns ------- float The mission elapsed time corresponding to the input string. """ return string_to_met(string, None, fmt=fmt)
[docs] def current_time(): """Return the current unix time. Returns ------- float The current Unix time. """ return time.time()
[docs] def current_met(): """Return the current mission elapsed time. Returns ------- float The current mission elapsed time. """ return unix_to_met(current_time())
[docs] def current_datetime_string(tzinfo=UTC_TZINFO, fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Return a string with the current date and time. Args ---- tzinfo : a datetime.timezone instance or None The timezone info (use None for local time). Returns ------- string The current date and time string. """ return unix_to_string(current_time(), tzinfo, fmt)
[docs] def current_datetime_string_utc(fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Return a string with the current UTC date and time. Args ---- fmt : string An optional format specifier for non standard input string Returns ------- string The current UTC date and time string. """ return unix_to_string(current_time(), UTC_TZINFO, fmt)
[docs] def current_datetime_string_local(fmt=DATETIME_FMT): """Return a string with the current UTC date and time. Args ---- fmt : string An optional format specifier for non standard input string Returns ------- string The current local date and time string. """ return unix_to_string(current_time(), None, fmt)
__SECONDS_IN_DAY = 86400. __SECONDS_IN_YEAR = 31557600.
[docs] def seconds_to_days(seconds): """Convert seconds to days. """ return seconds / __SECONDS_IN_DAY
[docs] def days_to_seconds(days): """Convert days to seconds. """ return days * __SECONDS_IN_DAY
[docs] def seconds_to_years(seconds): """Convert seconds to days. """ return seconds / __SECONDS_IN_YEAR
[docs] def years_to_seconds(years): """Convert years to seconds. """ return years * __SECONDS_IN_YEAR
[docs] def met_to_mjd(met): """Convert a MET in the corresponding Modified Julian date. Args ---- met : float The mission elapsed time. Returns ------- float The Modified Julian Date. """ return MISSION_START_MJD + seconds_to_days(met)
[docs] def mjd_to_met(mjd): """Convert a MJD in the corresponding Mission Elapsed Time. Args ---- mjd : float The time ref to Modified Julian Day. Returns ------- float The mission elapsed time. """ met = mjd - MISSION_START_MJD - MISSION_START_MJDREFF return days_to_seconds(met)
MJD_OFFSET = 2400000.5
[docs] def met_to_jd(met): """Convert a MET in the corresponding Julian date. Args ---- met : float The mission elapsed time. Returns ------- float The Julian Date. """ return met_to_mjd(met) + MJD_OFFSET
[docs] def met_to_num(met): """Convenience conversion factor to turn a MET into a number that matplotlib can interpret natively as a datetime. According to matplotlib represents dates using floating point numbers specifying the number of days since 0001-01-01 UTC, plus 1. """ return MET_TO_NUM_OFFSET + seconds_to_days(met)