Source code for ixpeobssim.srcmodel.roi

# Copyright (C) 2015--2022, the ixpeobssim team.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
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"""Model component and region of interest definition.

from __future__ import print_function, division

from collections import OrderedDict
import numbers

import numpy
import scipy.stats
from import fits
from astropy import wcs

from ixpeobssim.srcmodel.img import xFITSImage
from ixpeobssim.srcmodel.spectrum import xCountSpectrum
from ixpeobssim.srcmodel.ephemeris import phase_function, time_list
from ixpeobssim.evt.event import xEventList
from ixpeobssim.evt.fmt import standard_radec_to_xy
from ixpeobssim.evt.ixpesim import xPhotonList, build_tow_response
from ixpeobssim.core.spline import xInterpolatedUnivariateSplineLinear
from ixpeobssim.core.stokes import xModelStokesParameters
from ixpeobssim.utils.units_ import keV_to_erg, ergcms_to_mcrab, degrees_to_arcmin, erg_to_keV
from ixpeobssim.utils.logging_ import logger, abort
from ixpeobssim.utils.astro import ds9_region_filter_sky, angular_separation
from ixpeobssim.utils.astro import wcs_digitize, wcs_to_sky_meshgrid
from ixpeobssim.utils.time_ import met_to_mjd
from ixpeobssim.instrument.gpd import phi_to_detphi
from import sky_to_gpd, apply_dithering, parse_dithering_kwargs
from ixpeobssim.instrument import gpd
# pylint: disable=consider-using-from-import
import ixpeobssim.utils.chandra as chandra

# pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-many-arguments, too-many-locals, too-many-lines
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, no-member

[docs] class xModelComponentBase: """Base class for all the model components (i.e., the sources) populating a generic region of interest for a simulation. Historically this base class was tailored to celestial sources, but since different use cases emerged along the way that do not really fit in the original picture (e.g., instrumental background and calibration flat fields, where everything happens within the detector, and there is no concept of mirror effective area nor vignetting, just to name a few) the decision was taken to split the very fundamental features of the object into this minimal base class and have a separate base class for the celestial objects. In addition to some fundamental members and method, the class includes a handful of static methods that encapsulate useful operations of general interest, such as generating event times and energy according to simple analytical distributions. Arguments --------- name : string The name of the source. identifier : int, optional A unique identifier of the source within a ROI model. Defaults to None and is, generally, automatically assigned when building the ROI (i.e., you don't have to worry about it, but it's handy to have in the output event list). """ def __init__(self, name, identifier=None): """Constructor. """ = name self.identifier = identifier
[docs] def rvs_event_list(self, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs): """Return an event list for the model component. Arguments --------- parent_roi : xROIModel instance The parent region of interest (i.e., the xROIModel instance the model component belongs to). irf_set : xIRFSet instance The set of detector response functions to be used for the convolution of the physical quantities. **kargs : keyword arguments At runtime this is precisely the complete set of command-line options that xpobssim is run with (i.e., you do get all the goodies describing the configuration of the simulation, such as the start mission elapsed time and the simulation duration). Note ---- This is a do-nothing function that should be re-implemented in every derived class. This is also the main xModelComponentBase method, since all the Physics of the model itself is encapsulated here. In addition, the method is aware of the parent region of interest object and the instrument response functions, which are essential ingredients to create the output event list. As a rule of thumb: * all the operations that makes sense to perform on a component by component basis (e.g., the convolution with the instrument response functionsm, including the vignetting) happen in the body of this function; * all the operations (such as the application of the deadtime) that need to be performed on the final event list after all the model model components have been merged togethere are deferred to the downstream code. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rvs_photon_list(self, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs): """Return a photon list for the model component. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def poisson(average): """Return a number extracted from a Poisson distribution with a given average. """ return numpy.random.poisson(average)
[docs] @staticmethod def uniform_time(size, start_met, duration): """Return a sorted array of a given size of event times uniformly distributed between a minimum and a maximum time. """ time_ = numpy.random.uniform(start_met, start_met + duration, size) time_.sort() return time_
[docs] @staticmethod def uniform_phi(size): """Return an array of a given size of azimuthal angles distributed between -pi and pi. This can be used to replace the fully-fledged xAzimuthalResponse generator in cases where one knows since the beginning that a flat distribution is needed (it goes without saying that this is much less demanding from a computational standpoint). """ return numpy.random.uniform(-numpy.pi, numpy.pi, size)
[docs] @staticmethod def uniform_rectangle(size, half_side_x, half_side_y): """Return two arrays of a given size with random x and y coordinates uniformly distributed within a rectangle of a given half-sides centered in 0, 0. """ detx = numpy.random.uniform(-half_side_x, half_side_x, size) dety = numpy.random.uniform(-half_side_y, half_side_y, size) return detx, dety
[docs] @staticmethod def uniform_square(size, half_side): """Specialized function generating random coordinates uniformly distributed within a square. """ return self.uniform_square(size, half_side, half_side)
[docs] @classmethod def convolve_sky_direction(cls, mc_ra, mc_dec, parent_roi, psf): """Smear the sky position with the PSF and calculate the corresponding digitized x and y values. """ ra, dec = psf.smear(mc_ra, mc_dec) x, y = standard_radec_to_xy(ra, dec, parent_roi.ra, parent_roi.dec) return ra, dec, x, y
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_time_kwargs(**kwargs): """Parse the keyword arguments related to the duration of the observation. """ return kwargs.get('start_met'), kwargs.get('duration')
def __str__(self): """String formatting. """ return '{} "{}" (id = {})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.identifier)
[docs] class xCelestialModelComponentBase(xModelComponentBase): """Base class for the source object. Note that the source identifier defaults to none and is typically assign after the fact when the source itself is added to a source model. Arguments --------- name : string The name of the source. photon_spectrum : function The function object representing the photon spectrum. polarization_degree : function The function object representing the polarization degree. polarization_angle : function The function object representing the polarization angle. column_density : float The value of the column density (in cm^-2) used to calculate the Galactic absorption. Defaults to 0. redshift : float The source redshift. Defaults to 0. identifier : int A unique identifier of the source within a ROI model. Defaults to None and is, generally, automatically assigned when building the ROI (i.e., you don't have to worry about it, but it's handy to have in the output event list). """ def __init__(self, name, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle, column_density=0., redshift=0., identifier=None): """Constructor. """ xModelComponentBase.__init__(self, name, identifier) self.setup(photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle) self.column_density = column_density self.redshift = redshift # Now the advanced settings for the sampling time grid and the order of # the bivariate spline for the count spectrum. See # # for more discussion about this. self._count_spectrum_ny = 200 self._count_spectrum_kx = 3 self._count_spectrum_ky = 3 # We cache here the integral flux, since we don't want to (potentially) # recalculate the integral each time the __str__() method is called. emin = 2. emax = 8. t = 0. self.flux_ergcms = self.calculate_integral_flux(emin, emax, t) self.flux_mcrab = ergcms_to_mcrab(self.flux_ergcms) self.flux_label = 'Unabsorbed flux @ t = %d: %.3e erg/cm2/s' % (t, self.flux_ergcms) self.flux_label += ' (%.2f mcrab)' % self.flux_mcrab
[docs] def setup(self, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle): """Setup the model component in terms of photon spectrum and polarization degree and angle. """ self.photon_spectrum = photon_spectrum self.polarization_degree = polarization_degree self.polarization_angle = polarization_angle
[docs] def set_count_spectrum_params(self, ny=200, kx=3, ky=3): """Adjust the parameters used at runtime for the creation of the count spectrum. This is the main hook to control how the count spectrum for a given source component is created, see """ self._count_spectrum_ny = ny self._count_spectrum_kx = kx self._count_spectrum_ky = ky
[docs] def calculate_integral_flux(self, emin=2., emax=8., t=0., num_points=250, erg=True): """Return the integral source flux at a generic time. This is achieved by taking a "slice" of the source spectrum at that time and integrating between a minimum and maximum energy. Arguments --------- emin : float The minimum integration energy (default 2 keV). emax : float The maximum integration energy (default 8 keV). t : float The time (default is 0). """ x = numpy.linspace(emin, emax, num_points) y = x * self.photon_spectrum(x, t) flux = xInterpolatedUnivariateSplineLinear(x, y).integral(emin, emax) if erg: flux = keV_to_erg(flux) return flux
[docs] def calculate_average_polarization(self, egrid, tgrid, degrees=False): """Calculate the average polarization degree and angle in a given energy and time (or phase) interval. Warning ------- This is deprecated in favor of the model_pol_average facilities. """ # If either of the inputs is a number, we need to turn it into the # if isinstance(egrid, numbers.Number): egrid = numpy.array([egrid], float) if isinstance(tgrid, numbers.Number): tgrid = numpy.array([tgrid], float) energy, time_ = numpy.meshgrid(egrid, tgrid) spec = self.photon_spectrum(energy, time_) pol_deg = self.polarization_degree(energy, time_, None, None) pol_ang = self.polarization_angle(energy, time_, None, None) q = xModelStokesParameters.q(pol_deg, pol_ang) u = xModelStokesParameters.u(pol_deg, pol_ang) norm = spec.sum() Q = (q * spec).sum() / norm U = (u * spec).sum() / norm pol_deg = xModelStokesParameters.polarization_degree(Q, U) pol_ang = xModelStokesParameters.polarization_angle(Q, U) if degrees: pol_ang = numpy.degrees(pol_ang) return pol_deg, pol_ang
[docs] def build_intensity_map(self, wcs_, num_points=1000000): """Base function to calculate the underlying intensity map over a regular sky grid. In the base class this is implemented via brute force, i.e., we throw a bunch or random sky directions via a rvs_sky_coordinates() call and then we bin them on the approriate wcs object. In reality, for most of the source classes, this can be done much more effectively by other means, with two major advantages: * the calculation can be made faster; * the numerical noise due to the Monte Carlo integration can be entirely avoided. Note that, whenever possible, this function is supposed to return the actual model values on a grid of points, rather than a brute-force Monte Carlo approximation. In practice, we should strive to reimplement this method in all sub-classes, with the only exception of extended sources based on FITS images. """ ra, dec = self.rvs_sky_coordinates(num_points) data = wcs_digitize(wcs_, ra, dec) data /= data.sum() return data
def __str__(self): """String formatting. Note that this base class has no ra and dec attributes, since they're not really relevant for extended sources initiazed from FITS images, but since all the other derived classed do have such attributes, check whether that's the case and, if necessary, print out the source position. This avoids code duplication in the derived classes. """ text = xModelComponentBase.__str__(self) text += '\n Galactic column density: %.3e cm^{-2}' %\ self.column_density text += '\n Redshift: %.3f' % self.redshift text += '\n %s' % self.flux_label if hasattr(self, 'ra') and hasattr(self, 'dec'): text += '\n Position: RA = %s deg, Dec = %s deg' %\ (self.ra, self.dec) return text
[docs] def rvs_sky_coordinates(self, size=1): """Generate random coordinates for the model component. This is a do-nothing function and should be re-implemented by each derived class. Arguments --------- size : float The number of sky coordinate pairs to be generated. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sampling_time_grid(self, start_met, duration): """Return the time grid used to sample the lightcurve when generating events. """ return numpy.linspace(start_met, start_met + duration, self._count_spectrum_ny)
[docs] def create_count_spectrum(self, aeff, time_grid, **kwargs): """Create the count spectrum object at the base of the source simulation. This is the bit where we convolve the source spectrum with the effective area. Args ---- aeff : xEffectiveArea object The effective area as a function of the energy---this can be a generic callable accepting the energy as the first (and only) argument. time_grid : array_like The time (or phase) grid over which the count spectrum is created. """ _kwargs = dict(emin=kwargs.get('emin'), emax=kwargs.get('emax'), kx=self._count_spectrum_kx, ky=self._count_spectrum_ky) args = self.photon_spectrum, aeff, time_grid, self.column_density, self.redshift return xCountSpectrum(*args, **_kwargs)
def _rvs_phi(self, modf, energy, time_, ra, dec): """Generate random photoelectron directions with the proper distribution. This is evaluating the polarization degree and angle at the appropriate energy, time and position in the sky and returning a corresponding array of photoelectron directions. """ pd = self.polarization_degree(energy, time_, ra, dec) pa = self.polarization_angle(energy, time_, ra, dec) return modf.rvs_phi(energy, pd, pa) def _rvs_seed_event_list(self, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs): """Generate an event list with random time and energy values for the model component and for a given effective area and simulation setup. """ # Create the count spectrum. time_grid = self.sampling_time_grid(*self.parse_time_kwargs(**kwargs)) count_spectrum = self.create_count_spectrum(irf_set.aeff, time_grid, **kwargs) # Extract the number of events to be generated. num_events = self.poisson(count_spectrum.light_curve.norm())'About to generate %d events...', num_events) # Extract the event times. time_ = count_spectrum.rvs_event_times(num_events) # Apply the GTIs. time_, _ = kwargs.get('gti_list').filter_event_times(time_) num_events = len(time_) if num_events == 0: return xEventList() event_list = xEventList(time_, self.identifier) # Extract the event energies and perform the pha analysis. mc_energy = count_spectrum.rvs(time_) mc_pha, mc_pi = irf_set.edisp.pha_analysis(mc_energy) # Extract the sky coordinates. mc_ra, mc_dec = self.rvs_sky_coordinates(num_events) mc_x, mc_y = standard_radec_to_xy(mc_ra, mc_dec, parent_roi.ra, parent_roi.dec) # Extract the photoelectron emission directions. phi = self._rvs_phi(irf_set.modf, mc_energy, time_, mc_ra, mc_dec) # Rotate the phi angles in the gpd reference frame detphi = phi_to_detphi(phi, irf_set.du_id, kwargs.get('roll')) cols = [mc_energy, mc_pha, mc_pi, mc_ra, mc_dec, mc_x, mc_y, phi, detphi] event_list.set_seed_columns(*cols) return event_list
[docs] @classmethod def convolve_event_list(cls, event_list, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs): """Convolve a Monte Carlo event list with a set of instrument response functions. Note that we factor this functionality as a separate class method so that it can be used in different context, e.g., in the Chandra to IXPE converter. """ # If the input event list is empty, just forward it out. if event_list.empty(): return event_list # Retrieve the Monte Carlo truth from the original event list. mc_energy = event_list.mc_energy() mc_ra, mc_dec = event_list.mc_sky_coordinates() # Convolve the energy with the energy dispersion. energy, pha, pi = irf_set.edisp.convolve_energy(mc_energy) # Smear the sky position with the PSF. ra, dec, x, y = cls.convolve_sky_direction(mc_ra, mc_dec, parent_roi, irf_set.psf) time_ = event_list.time() # Apply the dithering effect to the pointing direction (if needed). dither_params = parse_dithering_kwargs(**kwargs) ra_pnt, dec_pnt = apply_dithering(time_, parent_roi.ra, parent_roi.dec, dither_params) # Project the sky positions onto the gpd reference frame. detx, dety = sky_to_gpd(ra, dec, time_, ra_pnt, dec_pnt, irf_set.du_id, kwargs.get('roll')) # Fill the actual event list. cols = [pha, pi, energy, ra, dec, x, y, detx, dety] event_list.set_rec_columns(*cols) # If the vignetting is enabled, apply it. if kwargs.get('vignetting'): event_list.apply_vignetting(irf_set.vign, ra_pnt, dec_pnt) return event_list
[docs] def rvs_event_list(self, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs): """Extract a random event list for the model component. """ event_list = self._rvs_seed_event_list(parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs) self.convolve_event_list(event_list, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs) return event_list
[docs] def rvs_photon_list(self, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs): """Extract a random photon list. """ # Build the custom response at the top of the window. aeff_spline, _ = build_tow_response(irf_set) # Create the count spectrum. time_grid = self.sampling_time_grid(*self.parse_time_kwargs(**kwargs)) count_spectrum = self.create_count_spectrum(aeff_spline, time_grid, **kwargs) # Extract the number of events to be generated. num_events = self.poisson(count_spectrum.light_curve.norm())'About to generate %d photons...', num_events) # Extract the event times. time_ = count_spectrum.rvs_event_times(num_events) # Apply the GTIs. time_, _ = kwargs.get('gti_list').filter_event_times(time_) num_events = len(time_) if num_events == 0: return xPhotonList() photon_list = xPhotonList(time_, self.identifier) energy = count_spectrum.rvs(time_) mc_ra, mc_dec = self.rvs_sky_coordinates(num_events) # Smear the sky position with the PSF. ra, dec, _, _ = self.convolve_sky_direction(mc_ra, mc_dec, parent_roi, irf_set.psf) # Apply the dithering effect to the pointing direction (if needed). dither_params = parse_dithering_kwargs(**kwargs) roll_angle = kwargs.get('roll') ra_pnt, dec_pnt = apply_dithering(time_, parent_roi.ra, parent_roi.dec, dither_params) # Project the sky positions onto the gpd reference frame. detx, dety = sky_to_gpd(ra, dec, time_, ra_pnt, dec_pnt, irf_set.du_id, roll_angle) pol_deg = self.polarization_degree(energy, time_, mc_ra, mc_dec) pol_ang = self.polarization_angle(energy, time_, mc_ra, mc_dec) # Rotate the polarization angle from the sky reference frame to the # GPD reference frame. pol_ang = phi_to_detphi(pol_ang, irf_set.du_id, roll_angle) photon_list.fill(energy, ra, dec, detx, dety, pol_deg, pol_ang) # If the vignetting is enabled, apply it. if kwargs.get('vignetting'): photon_list.apply_vignetting(irf_set.vign, ra_pnt, dec_pnt) return photon_list
[docs] class xPointSource(xCelestialModelComponentBase): """Class representing a steady point source. See :py:class:`ixpeobssim.srcmodel.roi.xCelestialModelComponentBase` for the signature of the base class. Arguments --------- ra : float The right ascension of the source (in decimal degrees). dec : float The declination of the source (in decimal degrees). """ def __init__(self, name, ra, dec, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle, column_density=0., redshift=0., identifier=None): """Constructor. """ args = name, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle,\ column_density, redshift, identifier xCelestialModelComponentBase.__init__(self, *args) self.ra = ra self.dec = dec # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def build_intensity_map(self, wcs_): """Overloaded method. """ return wcs_digitize(wcs_, self.ra, self.dec)
[docs] def rvs_sky_coordinates(self, size=1): """Generate random coordinates for the model component. This is returning an array of the proper length with identical values. Arguments --------- size : float The number of sky coordinate pairs to be generated. """ ra = numpy.full(size, self.ra) dec = numpy.full(size, self.dec) return (ra, dec)
[docs] class xPeriodicPointSource(xPointSource): """Class representing a periodic point source (e.g., a pulsar). See :py:class:`ixpeobssim.srcmodel.roi.xCelestialModelComponentBase` for the signature of the base class. Arguments --------- ra : float The right ascension of the source (in decimal degrees). dec : float The declination of the source (in decimal degrees). ephemeris : :py:class:`ixpeobssim.srcmodel.roi.xEphemeris` object The source ephemeris. """ def __init__(self, name, ra, dec, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle, ephemeris, column_density=0., redshift=0., identifier=None): """Constructor. """ xPointSource.__init__(self, name, ra, dec, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle, column_density, redshift, identifier) self.ephemeris = ephemeris
[docs] def sampling_time_grid(self): """Return the phase grid used to sample the lightcurve when generating events. """ return numpy.linspace(0., 1., self._count_spectrum_ny)
def _rvs_seed_event_list(self, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs): """Overloaded class method for periodic sources. There's a fait bit of duplicated code, here, but it's not trivial to do much better do to the subtle differences between the roled played by time and phase for stationary and periodic sources, respectively. """ # Create the count spectrum. phase_grid = self.sampling_time_grid() count_spectrum = self.create_count_spectrum(irf_set.aeff, phase_grid, **kwargs) # Extract the number of events to be generated. Note we have to multiply # the integral of the pulse profile by the duration of the observation. start_met, duration = self.parse_time_kwargs(**kwargs) num_events = self.poisson(duration * count_spectrum.light_curve.norm())'About to generate %d events...', num_events) # Let the ephemeis object throw the phase and time_ arrays. phase, time_ = self.ephemeris.rvs(count_spectrum.light_curve, start_met, duration, num_events) # Apply the GTIs. time_, _mask = kwargs.get('gti_list').filter_event_times(time_) phase = phase[_mask] num_events = len(time_) if num_events == 0: return xEventList() event_list = xEventList(time_, self.identifier) # Extract the event energies and perform the pha analysis. mc_energy = count_spectrum.rvs(phase) mc_pha, mc_pi = irf_set.edisp.pha_analysis(mc_energy) # Extract the sky coordinates. mc_ra, mc_dec = self.rvs_sky_coordinates(num_events) mc_x, mc_y = standard_radec_to_xy(mc_ra, mc_dec, parent_roi.ra, parent_roi.dec) # Extract the photoelectron emission directions. phi = self._rvs_phi(irf_set.modf, mc_energy, phase, mc_ra, mc_dec) # Rotate the phi angles in the gpd reference frame detphi = phi_to_detphi(phi, irf_set.du_id, kwargs.get('roll')) cols = [mc_energy, mc_pha, mc_pi, mc_ra, mc_dec, mc_x, mc_y, phi, detphi] event_list.set_seed_columns(*cols) return event_list
[docs] def rvs_photon_list(self, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs): """Extract a random photon list. """ # Build the custom response at the top of the window. aeff_spline, _ = build_tow_response(irf_set) # Create the count spectrum. phase_grid = self.sampling_time_grid() count_spectrum = self.create_count_spectrum(aeff_spline, phase_grid, **kwargs) # Extract the number of events to be generated. start_met, duration = self.parse_time_kwargs(**kwargs) num_events = self.poisson(duration * count_spectrum.light_curve.norm())'About to generate %d photons...', num_events) # Let the ephemeris object throw the phase and time_ arrays. phase, time_ = self.ephemeris.rvs(count_spectrum.light_curve, start_met, duration, num_events) # Apply the GTIs. time_, _mask = kwargs.get('gti_list').filter_event_times(time_) phase = phase[_mask] num_events = len(time_) if num_events == 0: return xPhotonList() photon_list = xPhotonList(time_, self.identifier) energy = count_spectrum.rvs(phase) mc_ra, mc_dec = self.rvs_sky_coordinates(num_events) # Smear the sky position with the PSF. ra, dec, _, _ = self.convolve_sky_direction(mc_ra, mc_dec, parent_roi, irf_set.psf) # Project the sky positions onto the gpd reference frame and apply the # dithering effect (if any) dither_params = parse_dithering_kwargs(**kwargs) roll_angle = kwargs.get('roll') ra_pnt, dec_pnt = apply_dithering(time_, parent_roi.ra, parent_roi.dec, dither_params) # Project the sky positions onto the gpd reference frame. detx, dety = sky_to_gpd(ra, dec, time_, ra_pnt, dec_pnt, irf_set.du_id, roll_angle) pol_deg = self.polarization_degree(energy, phase, mc_ra, mc_dec) pol_ang = self.polarization_angle(energy, phase, mc_ra, mc_dec) # Rotate the polarization angle from the sky reference frame to the # GPD reference frame. pol_ang = phi_to_detphi(pol_ang, irf_set.du_id, roll_angle) photon_list.fill(energy, ra, dec, detx, dety, pol_deg, pol_ang) # If the vignetting is enabled, apply it. if kwargs.get('vignetting'): photon_list.apply_vignetting(irf_set.vign, ra_pnt, dec_pnt) return photon_list
[docs] def ephemeris_info(self): """Return all the ephemeris information in a form that is suitable for display and pretty-printing. """ text = '* Source name: %s\n' % text += '* R. A. : %.6f\n' % self.ra text += '* Dec. : %.6f\n' % self.dec met0 = self.ephemeris.met0 text += '* Epoch MJD : %.6f (MET %.3f s)\n' % (met_to_mjd(met0), met0) text += '* nu0 : %.9f Hz\n' % self.ephemeris.nu0 text += '* nudot0 : %.6e Hz s^{-1}\n' % self.ephemeris.nudot0 text += '* nuddot : %.6e Hz s^{-2}\n' % self.ephemeris.nuddot return text
def __str__(self): """String formatting. """ text = xPointSource.__str__(self) text += '\n Ephemeris: %s' % self.ephemeris return text
[docs] class xBinarySource(xPointSource): """Class representing a binary source (e.g., a pulsar in a binary system). See :py:class:`ixpeobssim.srcmodel.roi.xModelComponentBase` for the signature of the base class. Arguments --------- ra : float The right ascension of the source (in decimal degrees). dec : float The declination of the source (in decimal degrees). ephemeris : :py:class:`ixpeobssim.srcmodel.roi.xEphemeris` object The source ephemeris. """ def __init__(self, name, ra, dec, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle, ephemeris, column_density=0., redshift=0., identifier=None): """Constructor. """ xPointSource.__init__(self, name, ra, dec, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle, column_density, redshift, identifier) self.ephemeris = ephemeris def _rvs_seed_event_list(self, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs): """Overloaded class method for periodic sources. There's a fait bit of duplicated code, here, but it's not trivial to do much better do to the subtle differences between the roled played by time and phase for stationary and periodic sources, respectively. """ start_met, duration = self.parse_time_kwargs(**kwargs) # Create the underlying count spectrum object. phase_grid = numpy.linspace(0., 1., self._count_spectrum_ny) count_spectrum = self.create_count_spectrum(irf_set.aeff, phase_grid, **kwargs) # Extract the events number to be generated average_num_events = duration * count_spectrum.light_curve.norm() num_events = numpy.random.poisson(average_num_events)'About to generate %d events...', average_num_events) psr_shape = count_spectrum.light_curve # Extract times time_ = time_list(psr_shape, start_met, self.ephemeris, num_events, duration) time_.sort() #Extract the event phase phase = phase_function(time_, start_met,, self.ephemeris.nudot(start_met), self.ephemeris.nuddot) ph = phase - numpy.floor(phase) # Extract the event energies. energy = count_spectrum.rvs(time_) # Convert into pha and pi pha = irf_set.edisp.energy_to_channel(energy) pi = pha # Extract the sky coordinates ra, dec = self.rvs_sky_coordinates(num_events) x, y = standard_radec_to_xy(ra, dec, parent_roi.ra, parent_roi.dec) # Extract the photoelectron emission directions phi = self._rvs_phi(irf_set.modf, energy, ph, ra, dec) detphi = phi # Build and return the actual event list. event_list = xEventList(time_, self.identifier) cols = [energy, pha, pi, ra, dec, x, y, phi, detphi] event_list.set_seed_columns(*cols) return event_list
[docs] def rvs_photon_list(self, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs): """Placeholder. """ raise NotImplementedError
def __str__(self): """String formatting. """ text = xPointSource.__str__(self) text += '\n Ephemeris: %s' % self.ephemeris return text
[docs] class xUniformDisk(xCelestialModelComponentBase): """Class representing a uniform disk. See :py:class:`ixpeobssim.srcmodel.roi.xCelestialModelComponentBase` for the signature of the base class. Arguments --------- ra : float The right ascension of the disk center (in decimal degrees). dec : float The declination of the disk center (in decimal degrees). radius : float The radius of the disk (in degrees). """ def __init__(self, name, ra, dec, radius, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle, column_density=0., redshift=0., identifier=None): """Constructor. """ args = name, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle,\ column_density, redshift, identifier xCelestialModelComponentBase.__init__(self, *args) self.ra = ra self.dec = dec self.radius = radius # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def build_intensity_map(self, wcs_): """Overloaded method. """ angsep = angular_separation(self.ra, self.dec, *wcs_to_sky_meshgrid(wcs_)) mask = angsep <= self.radius data = numpy.full(wcs_.array_shape, 0.) data[mask] = 1. / mask.sum() data = data.transpose() return data
[docs] def rvs_sky_coordinates(self, size=1): """Generate random coordinates for the model component. This is returning an array of the proper length with identical values. The algorithm is taken from Arguments --------- size : float The number of sky coordinate pairs to be generated. """ r = self.radius * numpy.sqrt(numpy.random.sample(size)) theta = numpy.random.uniform(0, 2. * numpy.pi, size) ra = self.ra + (r * numpy.cos(theta) / numpy.cos(numpy.radians(self.dec))) dec = self.dec + r * numpy.sin(theta) return (ra, dec)
def __str__(self): """String formatting. """ text = xCelestialModelComponentBase.__str__(self) text += '\n Radius: %s deg' % self.radius return text
[docs] class xGaussianDisk(xCelestialModelComponentBase): """Class representing a (azimuthally simmetric) gaussian disk. See :py:class:`ixpeobssim.srcmodel.roi.xCelestialModelComponentBase` for the signature of the base class. Arguments --------- ra : float The right ascension of the disk center (in decimal degrees). dec : float The declination of the disk center (in decimal degrees). sigma : float The root mean square of the disk (in degrees). """ def __init__(self, name, ra, dec, sigma, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle, column_density=0., redshift=0., identifier=None): """Constructor. """ args = name, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle,\ column_density, redshift, identifier xCelestialModelComponentBase.__init__(self, *args) self.ra = ra self.dec = dec self.sigma = sigma self.__mean = [self.ra, self.dec] cov00 = (sigma / numpy.cos(numpy.radians(self.dec)))**2. cov11 = sigma**2. self.__cov = [[cov00, 0.], [0., cov11]] # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def build_intensity_map(self, wcs_): """Overloaded method. """ pdf = scipy.stats.multivariate_normal(self.__mean, self.__cov).pdf data = pdf(numpy.dstack(wcs_to_sky_meshgrid(wcs_))) data /= data.sum() data = data.transpose() return data
[docs] def rvs_sky_coordinates(self, size=1): """Generate random coordinates for the model component. This is returning an array of the proper length with identical values. Arguments --------- size : float The number of sky coordinate pairs to be generated. """ rvs = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(self.__mean, self.__cov, size) ra, dec = rvs[:, 0], rvs[:, 1] return (ra, dec)
def __str__(self): """String formatting. """ text = xCelestialModelComponentBase.__str__(self) text += '\n Sigma: %s deg' % self.sigma return text
[docs] class xUniformAnnulus(xCelestialModelComponentBase): """Class representing a uniform annulus. See :py:class:`ixpeobssim.srcmodel.roi.xCelestialModelComponentBase` for the signature of the base class. Arguments --------- ra : float The right ascension of the annulus center (in decimal degrees). dec : float The declination of the annulus center (in decimal degrees). rmin : float The minimium radius of the annulus (in degrees). rmax : float The maximium radius of the annulus (in degrees). """ def __init__(self, name, ra, dec, rmin, rmax, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle, column_density=0., redshift=0., identifier=None): """Constructor. """ args = name, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle,\ column_density, redshift, identifier xCelestialModelComponentBase.__init__(self, *args) self.ra = ra self.dec = dec assert rmax > rmin self.rmin = rmin self.rmax = rmax # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def build_intensity_map(self, wcs_): """Overloaded method. """ angsep = angular_separation(self.ra, self.dec, *wcs_to_sky_meshgrid(wcs_)) mask = numpy.logical_and(angsep >= self.rmin, angsep <= self.rmax) data = numpy.full(wcs_.array_shape, 0.) data[mask] = 1. / mask.sum() data = data.transpose() return data
[docs] def rvs_sky_coordinates(self, size=1): """Generate random coordinates for the model component. This is returning an array of the proper length with identical values. The algorithm is taken from Arguments --------- size : float The number of sky coordinate pairs to be generated. """ r = self.rmin + (self.rmax - self.rmin) * numpy.sqrt(numpy.random.sample(size)) theta = numpy.random.uniform(0, 2. * numpy.pi, size) ra = self.ra + (r * numpy.cos(theta) / numpy.cos(numpy.radians(self.dec))) dec = self.dec + r * numpy.sin(theta) return (ra, dec)
def __str__(self): """String formatting. """ text = xCelestialModelComponentBase.__str__(self) text += '\n Radius: %s--%s deg' % (self.rmin, self.rmax) return text
[docs] class xExtendedSource(xCelestialModelComponentBase): """Class representing an extended source. See :py:class:`ixpeobssim.srcmodel.roi.xCelestialModelComponentBase` for the signature of the base class. Arguments --------- img_file_path : string The path to the FITS file containing the image of the source. """ def __init__(self, name, img_file_path, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle, column_density=0., redshift=0., identifier=None): """Constructor. """ args = name, photon_spectrum, polarization_degree, polarization_angle,\ column_density, redshift, identifier xCelestialModelComponentBase.__init__(self, *args) self.image = xFITSImage(img_file_path)
[docs] def rvs_sky_coordinates(self, size=1): """Generate random coordinates for the model component. Arguments --------- size : float The number of sky coordinate pairs to be generated. """ return self.image.rvs_coordinates(size)
def __str__(self): """String formatting. """ text = xCelestialModelComponentBase.__str__(self) text += '\n FITS image: %s' % self.image return text
[docs] class xChandraObservation(xModelComponentBase): """ Class representing a source taken from a Chandra observation. Arguments --------- name : string The name of the source. polarization_degree : function The function object representing the polarization degree. polarization_angle : function The function object representing the polarization angle. region The optional region to select the photon list from. exclude : bool The optional flag to exclude the selected region from the simulation. identifier : int A unique identifier of the source within a ROI model. Defaults to None and is, generally, automatically assigned when building the ROI (i.e., you don't have to worry about it, but it's handy to have in the output event list). """ def __init__(self, name, polarization_degree, polarization_angle, region=None, exclude=False, identifier=None): """Constructor. """ xModelComponentBase.__init__(self, name, identifier) self.polarization_degree = polarization_degree self.polarization_angle = polarization_angle self.region = region self.exclude = exclude @staticmethod def _time_scaling(scale, energy, ra, dec): """Repeat the given arrays according to the scale parameter. Warning ------- I have no idea what this is doing. Some refactoring would not hurt? """ num_rep = int(scale[1]) index = 1 + int(scale[0] * len(energy)) mc_energy = numpy.append(numpy.tile(energy, num_rep), energy[:index]) mc_ra = numpy.append(numpy.tile(ra, num_rep), ra[:index]) mc_dec = numpy.append(numpy.tile(dec, num_rep), dec[:index]) return mc_energy, mc_ra, mc_dec def _rvs_seed_event_list(self, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs): """Generate an event list with random time and energy values for the model component and for a given effective area and simulation setup. Warning ------- The following method works if the effective area ratio is less than 1 (that is the case of IXPE vs. Chandra). """ start_met, duration = self.parse_time_kwargs(**kwargs) roll_angle = kwargs.get('roll') mc_energy, mc_ra, mc_dec, mc_effexp =\ parent_roi.filter_events(self.region, self.exclude) num_events = len(mc_energy) if num_events == 0: return xEventList() # Compute for each CHANDRA event the relative exposure ratio and from that # derive, using Poisson statistics, the repetion of the event in IXPE expect_repeat = irf_set.aeff(mc_energy) * duration / mc_effexp # Take care of potential nan or negative values expect_repeat[numpy.logical_not(expect_repeat > 0.)] = 0. num_repeat = numpy.random.poisson(lam=expect_repeat) # Repeat the events mc_energy = numpy.repeat(mc_energy, num_repeat) mc_ra = numpy.repeat(mc_ra, num_repeat) mc_dec = numpy.repeat(mc_dec, num_repeat) # Extract times uniformly in the range and initialize the event list. time_ = self.uniform_time(len(mc_energy), start_met, duration) # Apply the GTIs. time_, _mask = kwargs.get('gti_list').filter_event_times(time_) # Need to filter the three orignal columns to cope with the events # discarded due to the GTI and Earth occultation selections. mc_energy = mc_energy[_mask] mc_ra = mc_ra[_mask] mc_dec = mc_dec[_mask] num_events = len(time_) if num_events == 0: return xEventList() event_list = xEventList(time_, self.identifier) # Mind all the derived quantities need to be calculated at the very # end in order not to have column lenght mismatches. mc_pha, mc_pi = irf_set.edisp.pha_analysis(mc_energy) mc_x, mc_y = standard_radec_to_xy(mc_ra, mc_dec, parent_roi.ra, parent_roi.dec) # Extract the photoelectron emission directions. _pd = self.polarization_degree(mc_energy, time_, mc_ra, mc_dec) _pa = self.polarization_angle(mc_energy, time_, mc_ra, mc_dec) phi = irf_set.modf.rvs_phi(mc_energy, _pd, _pa) # Rotate the phi angles in the gpd reference frame detphi = phi_to_detphi(phi, irf_set.du_id, roll_angle) cols = [mc_energy, mc_pha, mc_pi, mc_ra, mc_dec, mc_x, mc_y, phi, detphi] event_list.set_seed_columns(*cols) return event_list
[docs] def rvs_event_list(self, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs): """Extract a random event list for the model component. """ event_list = self._rvs_seed_event_list(parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs) xCelestialModelComponentBase.convolve_event_list(event_list, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs) return event_list
[docs] def rvs_photon_list(self, parent_roi, irf_set, **kwargs): """Extract a random photon list. """ start_met, duration = self.parse_time_kwargs(**kwargs) # Build the custom response at the top of the window. aeff_spline, _ = build_tow_response(irf_set) # Extract CHANDRA events mc_energy, mc_ra, mc_dec, mc_effexp =\ parent_roi.filter_events(self.region, self.exclude) num_events = len(mc_energy) if num_events == 0: return xPhotonList() # Compute for each CHANDRA event the relative exposure ratio and from that # derive, using Poisson statistics, the repetion of the event in IXPE expect_repeat = aeff_spline(mc_energy) * duration / mc_effexp # Take care of potential nan or negative values expect_repeat[numpy.logical_not(expect_repeat > 0.)] = 0. num_repeat = numpy.random.poisson(lam=expect_repeat) # Repeat the events mc_energy = numpy.repeat(mc_energy, num_repeat) mc_ra = numpy.repeat(mc_ra, num_repeat) mc_dec = numpy.repeat(mc_dec, num_repeat) # Extract times uniformly in the range and initialize the event list. time_ = self.uniform_time(len(mc_energy), start_met, duration) # Apply the GTIs. time_, _mask = kwargs.get('gti_list').filter_event_times(time_) mc_energy = mc_energy[_mask] mc_ra = mc_ra[_mask] mc_dec = mc_dec[_mask] num_events = len(time_) if num_events == 0: return xPhotonList() photon_list = xPhotonList(time_, self.identifier) # Smear the sky position with the PSF. ra, dec, _, _ = self.convolve_sky_direction(mc_ra, mc_dec, parent_roi, irf_set.psf) # Project the sky positions onto the gpd reference frame and apply the # dithering effect (if any) dither_params = parse_dithering_kwargs(**kwargs) roll_angle = kwargs.get('roll') ra_pnt, dec_pnt = apply_dithering(time_, parent_roi.ra, parent_roi.dec, dither_params) # Project the sky positions onto the gpd reference frame. detx, dety = sky_to_gpd(ra, dec, time_, ra_pnt, dec_pnt, irf_set.du_id, roll_angle) pol_deg = self.polarization_degree(mc_energy, time_, mc_ra, mc_dec) pol_ang = self.polarization_angle(mc_energy, time_, mc_ra, mc_dec) # Rotate the polarization angle from the sky reference frame to the # GPD reference frame. pol_ang = phi_to_detphi(pol_ang, irf_set.du_id, roll_angle) photon_list.fill(mc_energy, ra, dec, detx, dety, pol_deg, pol_ang) # If the vignetting is enabled, apply it. if kwargs.get('vignetting'): photon_list.apply_vignetting(irf_set.vign, ra_pnt, dec_pnt) return photon_list
[docs] class xROIModel(OrderedDict): """Class describing a full ROI (region of interest) model. This is essentially an (ordered) collection of component objects (i.e., instances of classes inheriting from xCelestialModelComponentBase) than can be accessed by source name. Arguments --------- ra_center : float The right ascension of the center of the ROI (in decimal degrees). dec_center : float The declination of the center of the ROI (in decimal degrees). """ def __init__(self, ra_center, dec_center, *sources): """Constructor. """ OrderedDict.__init__(self) self.ra = ra_center self.dec = dec_center self.add_sources(*sources)
[docs] def first_source(self): """Return the first source (by insertion) in the ROI. """ return self[next(iter(self))]
# pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
[docs] def source_by_name(self, name=None): """Retrieve a source by name. If None (or no argument is passed) this returns the first source in the ROI. """ if name is None: return self.first_source() try: return self[name] except KeyError: abort('ROI model has no source named "%s"' % name)
# pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
[docs] def source_by_id(self, uid): """Retrieve a source by insertion index. """ try: return list(self.values())[uid] except IndexError: abort('ROI model has no source @ id %d' % uid)
[docs] def add_source(self, source): """Add a source to the ROI. """ if in self: logger.error('ROI already contains source "%s"', abort('Please fix the configuration file') source.identifier = len(self) self[] = source
[docs] def add_sources(self, *sources): """Add an arbitrary number of sources to the ROI. """ for source in sources: self.add_source(source)
def __add__(self, other): """Combine different ROI models. """ assert self.__class__.__name__ == other.__class__.__name__ roi_model = xROIModel(self.ra, self.dec) for source in self.values(): roi_model.add_source(source) for source in other.values(): roi_model.add_source(source) return roi_model def __str__(self): """String formatting. """ txt = 'ROI centered at (%.4f, %.4f):\n' % (self.ra, self.dec) for source in self.values(): txt += '- %s\n' % source return txt.strip('\n') # pylint: disable=unused-argument, no-self-use def _prepare_event_list(self, **kwargs): """Initialize an empty event list. This is purely a convenience function meant to allow subclasses (e.g., xChandraROIModel) to do some initial working before starting throwing random numbers. """ return xEventList() def _prepare_photon_list(self, **kwargs): """Initialize an empty photon list. This is purely a convenience function meant to allow subclasses (e.g., xChandraROIModel) to do some initial working before starting throwing random numbers. Note that we really need this segnature for the function, although in this base class we are not using any of the arguments. xChandraROIModel will. The benefit is that we can factor out all the code in common in rvs_event_list(), which subclasses don't have to overload, anymore. """ return xPhotonList()
[docs] def rvs_event_list(self, irf_set, **kwargs): """Extract an event list for the full ROI. Arguments --------- irf_set : ixpeobssim.irf.xIRFSet` object. The set of instrument response functions to be used. Warning ------- The sampling_time should not be the same for all sources, and each source should be able to decide its own in a sensible way. (See issue #44.) """ event_list = self._prepare_event_list(**kwargs) for source in self.values():'Generating event list for "%s"...', event_list += source.rvs_event_list(self, irf_set, **kwargs) return event_list
[docs] def rvs_photon_list(self, irf_set, **kwargs): """Extract a photon list for the full ROI. This was added to support """ photon_list = self._prepare_photon_list(**kwargs) for source in self.values():'Generating photon list for "%s"...', photon_list += source.rvs_photon_list(self, irf_set, **kwargs) return photon_list
[docs] class xChandraROIModel(xROIModel): """Class describing a Chandra ROI (region of interest) model. This is essentially an (ordered) collection of component objects (i.e., instances of classes inheriting from xCelestialModelComponentBase) than can be accessed by source name. Arguments --------- evt_file_path : string The path to the FITS file containing the Chandra event list. """ def __init__(self, evt_file_path, acis): """Constructor. """ assert acis in ['I', 'S'] self.acis = acis self.evt_file_path = evt_file_path'Reading input Chandra photon list %s...', evt_file_path) with as hdu_list: evt_header = hdu_list['EVENTS'].header ra_pnt, dec_pnt = chandra.pointing(evt_header) xROIModel.__init__(self, ra_pnt, dec_pnt) self._wcs(evt_header) try: self.obs_time = chandra.livetime(evt_header) except KeyError: self.obs_time = chandra.gti(hdu_list['GTI'].data)'Total Chandra observation time: %f s.', self.obs_time) self._load_evt(hdu_list['EVENTS'].data) def _wcs(self, evt_header): """Retrieve WCS information from the header. """ self.wcs = wcs.WCS(evt_header, keysel=['pixel'], naxis=[5, 6]) self.wcs.wcs.colax = [0, 0] # We need to explicitly set the 'LONPOLE' key because the automatic WCS parsing fails # to correctly retrieve it. self.wcs.wcs.lonpole = 180. def _load_evt(self, evt_data): """Read and save the relevant chandra event columns. """ # Convert ev to keV. energy_c = 0.001 * evt_data['energy'] # We cut here in energy to avoid to take the bunch of events with energy # greater than 10 keV (probably due to pile-up) and those with energy # lower than the minimum energy for IXPE _mask = (energy_c > 1.) * (energy_c < 10.) self.energy_c = energy_c[_mask] x_c = evt_data['x'][_mask] y_c = evt_data['y'][_mask] self.ra_c, self.dec_c = self.wcs.wcs_pix2world(x_c, y_c, True) theta_c = angular_separation(self.ra_c, self.dec_c, self.ra, self.dec) self.theta_c = degrees_to_arcmin(theta_c) if 'FLUX' in evt_data.columns.names:'FLUX column found in the Chandra event list.')'Using this data to compute the exposure per event...') flux_c = erg_to_keV(evt_data['FLUX'][_mask]) self.effexp_c = self.energy_c / flux_c else:'FLUX column NOT found in the Chandra event list.')'Using standard Chandra IRFs to compute the average exposure...') self._load_irfs() self.effexp_c = self.vign(self.energy_c, self.theta_c) * \ self.aeff(self.energy_c) * self.obs_time def _reset_mask(self, value=False): """Set all the elements of filter mask to False (or True). """ assert value in [True, False] self.filter_mask = numpy.full(self.energy_c.shape, value, dtype=bool) def _check_overlap(self, mask): """Return True if the region corresponding to the given mask is overlapping one of the others. """ return numpy.logical_and(self.filter_mask, mask).any() def _load_irfs(self): """Load the Chandra effective area and vignetting. """ detname = 'ACIS-%s' % self.acis self.aeff = chandra.load_arf(detname) self.vign = chandra.load_vign()
[docs] def filter_events(self, region, exclude=False): """Return the filtered event arrays with coordinates inside the given region. Arguments --------- region : region instance or None The region to select the photon list from (None to take the whole remaining area). exclude : bool Flag to exclude the selected region from the simulation. """ if region is not None: _mask = ds9_region_filter_sky(self.ra_c, self.dec_c, self.wcs, region) if self._check_overlap(_mask): abort('Overlapping region: %s' % region) self.filter_mask = numpy.logical_or(_mask, self.filter_mask) else: _mask = numpy.logical_not(self.filter_mask) self._reset_mask(True) if exclude: return [[] for i in range(4)] return [self.energy_c[_mask], self.ra_c[_mask], self.dec_c[_mask],\ self.effexp_c[_mask]]
def _prepare_event_list(self, **kwargs): """Overloaded method. """ self._reset_mask() event_list = xEventList() duration = kwargs.get('duration')'Setting the observation time to %d s...', duration) return event_list def _prepare_photon_list(self, **kwargs): """Overloaded method. """ self._reset_mask() photon_list = xPhotonList() duration = kwargs.get('duration') if duration is not None:'Setting the observation time to %d s...', duration) return photon_list def __str__(self): """String formatting. """ text = 'Chandra FITS file: %s' % self.evt_file_path text += '\n %s' % xROIModel.__str__(self) return text