Source code for ixpeobssim.srcmodel.calibsrc

#!/urs/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2021, the ixpeobssim team.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
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"""In-flight calibration sources and calibration-related facilities.

from __future__ import print_function, division

import os

import numpy
from import fits

from ixpeobssim import IXPEOBSSIM_SRCMODEL
from ixpeobssim.core.hist import xHistogram2d
from ixpeobssim.evt.event import xEventList
from ixpeobssim.instrument.gpd import gpd_map_binning, GPD_PHYSICAL_HALF_SIDE_X,\
from ixpeobssim.srcmodel.roi import xModelComponentBase
from ixpeobssim.utils.logging_ import logger

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs] class xCalibrationSourceBase(xModelComponentBase): """Base class for all (on-ground and on-orbit) calibration sources. The common denominator to all the calibration sources is: * the event rate is constant in time and the counting statistics is Poisson; * a specific identifier (>=100) is assigned to each source, and set once and for all, independently on the ROI machinery (this is different from the celestial sources, where the identifier is typically assigned depending on the order in which the ROI is populated); * there is no concept of parent ROI, as the calibration sources are supposed to be operated one at a time, and independently from the satellite pointing; * there is no concept of GTI, the start_met and duration being literally all we care about when it comes to decide whether the source is activated or not. """ NAME = 'Generic calibration source' IDENTIFIER = 100 def __init__(self, rate): """Constructor. """ super().__init__(self.NAME, self.IDENTIFIER) self.rate = rate
[docs] def rvs_time(self, start_met, duration): """Extract the event times. Here we essentially throw a random number with a Poisson distribution based on the expected mean of events, and then extract the event times at random---uniformly distributed between the start and stop met. This is supposed to be the common paradigm for all the calibration sources. """ num_events = self.poisson(duration * self.rate) return self.uniform_time(num_events, start_met, duration)
[docs] def rvs_energy(self, size): """Extract the event energies. Do-nothing method to be re-implemented in derived classes. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rvs_detxy(self, size): """Extract the event positions in detector coordinates. Do-nothing method to be re-implemented in derived classes. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rvs_detphi(self, size): """Extract the photoelectron emission direction in detector coordinates. Do-nothing method to be re-implemented in derived classes. """ raise NotImplementedError
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def rvs_event_list(self, irf_set, **kwargs): """Main interface to generate random events from the calibration source. Note that the signature here is different from the celestial sources, as we don'y need the reference to the parent ROI. Also, since the calibration sources are not meant to be combined, the deadtime and the trigged id are calculated right away in the body function. """ start_met = kwargs.get('start_met') duration = kwargs.get('duration') deadtime = kwargs.get('deadtime') stop_met = start_met + duration # Extract the event time. time_ = self.rvs_time(start_met, duration) num_events = len(time_)'About to generate %d event(s)...', num_events) if num_events == 0: return xEventList() event_list = xEventList(time_, self.identifier) # Sky positions (Monte Carlo and measured). Note that this has no real # meaning for calibration sources, and we do set everything to zero. ra = numpy.full(num_events, 0.) dec = numpy.full(num_events, 0.) x = numpy.full(num_events, 0.) y = numpy.full(num_events, 0.) event_list.set_mc_sky_position_columns(ra, dec, x, y) event_list.set_sky_position_columns(ra, dec, x, y) # Detector positions. detx, dety = self.rvs_detxy(num_events) event_list.set_detector_position_columns(detx, dety) # Event energy. mc_energy = self.rvs_energy(num_events) mc_pha, mc_pi = irf_set.edisp.pha_analysis(mc_energy) event_list.set_mc_energy_columns(mc_energy, mc_pha, mc_pi) energy, pha, pi = irf_set.edisp.convolve_energy(mc_energy) event_list.set_energy_columns(energy, pha, pi) # Azimuthal angle. Note that, for what it's worth, the two are the # same in detector and sky coordinates. detphi = self.rvs_detphi(num_events) phi = detphi event_list.set_phi_columns(phi, detphi) return event_list
def __str__(self): """String formatting. """ return 'Calibration source "%s" (id = %d) @ %.3f Hz average rate' %\ (, self.identifier, self.rate)
[docs] class xMonochromaticUnpolarizedCalibrationSourceBase(xCalibrationSourceBase): """Specialized base class for monochromatic unpolarized calibration sources. """ FE_55_KA1_ENERGY = 5.89875 def __init__(self, rate, energy): """Constructor. """ super().__init__(rate) = energy
[docs] def rvs_energy(self, size): """Overloade method. """ return numpy.full(size,
[docs] def rvs_detxy(self, size): """Do-nothing method to be re-implemented in derived classes. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rvs_detphi(self, size): """Overloade method. """ return self.uniform_phi(size)
[docs] class xCalibrationSourceImage: """Small convenience class descring the morphology of a calibration source in detector coordinates. .. warning:: This functionality has significant overlap with the xFITSImage class in srcmodel.roi and the two should be refactored. Also: the very concept of a map in detector coordinates stored in the form of a FITS file has a lot in common with the stuff on the spurious modulation branch, and all of these things should be accommodated in a consistent fashion. The HALF_SIDE top-level class member was added in response to issue and was set to the old value of the fiducial half-side. This is now self-contained to the calibration source machinery, and we might have to generalize the code to arbitrary fiducial cuts in the future, if we ever want to heavily use this functionality (which has not been the case, up to now). """ HALF_SIDE = 7.350 def __init__(self, file_path): """Constructor. """ with as hdu_list: data = hdu_list['PRIMARY'].data = data self.shape = # Note the cast to float is a terrible workaround for issue # # triggered by numpy 1.22.0 self.cdf = numpy.cumsum(data.ravel().astype(float)) self.cdf /= self.cdf[-1] self.xbinning, self.ybinning = gpd_map_binning(self.HALF_SIDE, self.HALF_SIDE, *self.shape)
[docs] def plot(self): """Plot the source image. """ h = xHistogram2d(self.xbinning, self.ybinning, xlabel='x [mm]', ylabel='y [mm]]') h.set_content( h.plot()
[docs] def rvs_coordinates(self, size=1): """Generate random coordinates based on the image map. """ u = numpy.random.rand(size) pixel = numpy.searchsorted(self.cdf, u) row, col = numpy.unravel_index(pixel, self.shape) dx = self.xbinning[1] - self.xbinning[0] dy = self.ybinning[1] - self.ybinning[0] x = self.xbinning[row] + numpy.random.uniform(0., dx, size) y = self.ybinning[col] + numpy.random.uniform(0., dy, size) return x, y
[docs] class xCalC(xMonochromaticUnpolarizedCalibrationSourceBase): """Class describing the "Cal C" onboard calibration source. """ NAME = 'Cal C' IDENTIFIER = 101 def __init__(self, rate): """Constructor. """ super().__init__(rate, self.FE_55_KA1_ENERGY) file_path = os.path.join(IXPEOBSSIM_SRCMODEL, 'fits', 'onboard_cal_C_img.fits') self.image = xCalibrationSourceImage(file_path)
[docs] def rvs_detxy(self, size): """Overloaded method. """ return self.image.rvs_coordinates(size)
[docs] class xMonochromaticUnpolarizedFlatField(xMonochromaticUnpolarizedCalibrationSourceBase): """Unpolarized square flat field at a given energy. """ NAME = 'Flat field'
[docs] def rvs_detxy(self, size): """Overloaded method. """ return self.uniform_rectangle(size, GPD_PHYSICAL_HALF_SIDE_X, GPD_PHYSICAL_HALF_SIDE_Y)
[docs] class xCalibrationROIModel(dict): """Class describing a custom ROI (region of interest) model for calibration sources. In contrast to celestial ROI models, calibration ROI models only handle one source. """ def __init__(self, source): """Constructor. """ self.source = source dict.__init__(self, {source.identifier: self.source}) self.ra = 'N/A' self.dec = 'N/A' def __str__(self): """String formatting. """ return 'Calibration ROI model\n%s' % self.source
[docs] def rvs_event_list(self, irf_set, **kwargs): """Extract an event list for the full ROI. """ return self.source.rvs_event_list(irf_set, **kwargs)