# Copyright (C) 2015--2022, the ixpeobssim team.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
"""PSF parametrization.
from __future__ import print_function, division
from astropy.io import fits
import numpy
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
from ixpeobssim.irf.base import xResponseBase
from ixpeobssim.core.fitsio import xFITSImageBase
from ixpeobssim.core.spline import xInterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from ixpeobssim.core.rand import xUnivariateGenerator
from ixpeobssim.srcmodel.img import xFITSImage
from ixpeobssim.utils.logging_ import logger
from ixpeobssim.utils.matplotlib_ import plt, labeled_marker
from ixpeobssim.utils.units_ import arcsec_to_degrees, degrees_to_arcsec
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-many-arguments, no-member
def gauss_king(r, W, sigma, N, r_c, eta):
"""Functional representation of the Gaussian plus King PSF profile
described in `Fabiani et al., 2014 <http://arxiv.org/abs/1403.7200>`_,
equation (2):
.. math::
\\text{PSF}(r) = W \\exp^{-(\\frac{r^2}{2\\sigma^2})} +
N\\left( 1 + \\left( \\frac{r}{r_c} \\right)^2 \\right)^{-\\eta}
r : float or array
The radial distance from the true source position is arcsec.
W : float
Normalization of the Gaussian component.
sigma : float
Width of the Gaussian component.
N : float
Normalization of the King component.
r_c : float
Characteristic radius of the King component.
eta : float
Exponent of the King component.
return W * numpy.exp(-(r**2. / (2. * sigma**2.))) + N * (1. + (r / r_c)**2.)**(-eta)
def gauss_king_eef_at_infinity(W, sigma, N, r_c, eta):
"""Return the value of the Encircled Energy Fraction (EEF) at infinity,
given the parameters of the functional representation, see equation (4)
of `Fabiani et al., 2014 <http://arxiv.org/abs/1403.7200>`_.
.. math::
\\text{EEF}(\\infty) = 2\\pi W\\sigma^2 +
\\pi\\frac{r_c^2 N}{\\eta - 1}
r : float or array
The radial distance from the true source position is arcsec.
W : float
Normalization of the Gaussian component.
sigma : float
Width of the Gaussian component.
N : float
Normalization of the King component.
r_c : float
Characteristic radius of the King component.
eta : float
Exponent of the King component.
return 2. * numpy.pi * W * sigma**2. + numpy.pi * r_c**2. * N / (eta - 1.)
class xPointSpreadFunctionBase:
"""Base virtual class for the PSF data structures.
.. versionadded:: 28.1.0
This was added in version 27.1.0 as a base class for the old-style PSF
(azimuthally symmetric and including the position resolution of the GPD)
and the new-style PSF necessary to study the Stokes cross-talk
(non azimuthally symmetric and limited to the X-ray optics).
This class holds a single boolean flag inficating whether the GPD position
resolution is included in the PSF. Sub-classes should reimplement the
delta() hook, returning random arrays of (ra, dec) offsets.
gpd : bool
Boolean flag indicating whether a given PSF includes the effect of the
GPD position resolution.
def __init__(self, gpd):
self.__gpd = gpd
def delta(self, size=1):
"""Return an array of random offset (ra, dec) due to the PSF.
raise NotImplementedError
def smear(self, ra, dec):
"""Smear a pair of arrays of coordinates.
assert ra.size == dec.size
delta_ra, delta_dec = self.delta(ra.size)
return ra + delta_ra / numpy.cos(numpy.radians(dec)), dec + delta_dec
def smear_single(self, ra, dec, size=1):
"""Smear a single pair of coordinates for an arbitrary number of times.
return self.smear(numpy.full(size, ra), numpy.full(size, dec))
class xPointSpreadFunction(xResponseBase, xInterpolatedUnivariateSpline, xPointSpreadFunctionBase):
"""Class describing a (simplified, energy independent) PSF.
The effective area is essentially a linear spline, with built-in facilities
for evaluation and plotting.
psf_file_path : str
The path to the .psf FITS file containing the PSF parameters.
The parametrization is taken from `Fabiani et al., 2014
<http://arxiv.org/abs/1403.7200>`_, table 2.
PARAM_NAMES = ['W', 'sigma', 'N', 'r_c', 'eta']
def __init__(self, file_path):
xResponseBase.__init__(self, file_path, 'fits')
data = self.hdu_list['PSF'].data
W = data['W']
sigma = data['SIGMA']
N = data['N']
r_c = data['R_C']
eta = data['ETA']
self.__params = (W, sigma, N, r_c, eta)
# Tabulate the actual PSF values.
r = numpy.linspace(0, self.MAX_RADIUS, int(self.MAX_RADIUS) + 1)
pdf = gauss_king(r, *self.__params)
fmt = dict(xlabel='r [arcsec]', ylabel='PSF [sr$^{-1}$]')
xInterpolatedUnivariateSpline.__init__(self, r, pdf, k=2, **fmt)
# Include the solid angle for the actual underlying random generator.
pdf *= 2 * numpy.pi * r
fmt = dict(xlabel='r [arcsec]', ylabel='$2 \\pi r \\times$ PSF')
self.generator = xUnivariateGenerator(r, pdf, k=1, **fmt)
# Finally, calculate the EEF and HEW.
self.eef, self.hew = self.build_eef()
def build_eef(self):
"""Build the Encircled Energy Fraction (EEF) as a function of r.
And, while we're at it, we also calculate and cache the HEW.
_r = self.x
_y = numpy.array([self.generator.integral(_r[0], _rp) for _rp in _r])
_y /= gauss_king_eef_at_infinity(*self.__params)
hew = 2 * xInterpolatedUnivariateSpline(_y, _r, k=2)(0.5)
fmt = dict(xlabel='r [arcsec]', ylabel='PSF EEF')
return xInterpolatedUnivariateSpline(_r, _y, k=1, **fmt), hew
def plot(self):
"""Overloaded plot method.
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ, unexpected-keyword-arg
plt.figure('%s PSF' % self.base_name)
xInterpolatedUnivariateSpline.plot(self, logy=True, label=self.base_name)
plt.axis([0, self.MAX_RADIUS, None, None])
plt.figure('%s PSF EEF' % self.base_name)
x = self.hew / 2.
y = self.eef(x)
label = 'HEW = %.2f arcsec' % self.hew
labeled_marker(x, y, label, dx=2., va='top')
plt.axis([0, self.MAX_RADIUS, None, None])
def delta(self, size=1):
"""Return an array of random offset (in ra, dec or L, B) due to the PSF.
Note the output is converted in degrees.
r = arcsec_to_degrees(self.generator.rvs(size))
phi = numpy.random.uniform(0., 2. * numpy.pi, size)
return r * numpy.cos(phi), r * numpy.sin(phi)
def draw_psf_circle(self, image, x=0.8, y=0.8, label='HPD', hpd_value=False,
color='white', lw=1.5):
"""Add the PSF circle to the image with labels.
image : xFITSImageBase instance
The parent xFITSImageBase object
x, y : float
The position of the psf circle in relative canvas coordinates
if hpd_value:
label = '%s (%.1f")' % (label, self.hew)
image.add_label(label, x, y + 0.05, color=color, ha='center')
image.add_circle(x, y, 0.5 * self.hew, mode='canvas', color=color, lw=lw)
class xPointSpreadFunction2d(xFITSImage, xPointSpreadFunctionBase):
"""Two-dimensional version (i.e., non azimuthally symmetric) version of the PSF.
file_path : str
The file path for the PSF image
def build_eef(self):
"""Calculate the (azimuthally averaged) encircled energy fraction as a function of r.
# Calculate the distance from the center for all the pixels in the image
# in physical units (arcsec).
w, h = self.data.shape
x0, y0 = w // 2, h // 2
x, y = numpy.ogrid[:w, :h]
r = degrees_to_arcsec(numpy.sqrt((x - x0)**2. + (y - y0)**2.) * self.cdelt2())
# Ravel the radius array and sort it, keeping track of the indices.
r = r.ravel()
idx = numpy.argsort(r)
r = r[idx]
# Reorder the probability values according to the distance of the pixel
# from the center, and calculate the cumulative sum, normalize to the
# entire image content. (Note the latter is typically close to 1, but
# for consistency we normalize anyway).
# Note the explicit cast to float is to accommodate a regression in
# numpy 1.22, see https://bitbucket.org/ixpesw/ixpeobssim/issues/608
prob = self.data.astype(float).ravel()[idx].cumsum() / self.data.sum()
# Now, in order to build a spline we have to ensure that the values on the
# x axis are unique.
r, idx = numpy.unique(r, return_index=True)
prob = prob[idx]
# Finally: we add an offset of half a pixel to the radii and prepend
# a 0 to both the radii and the probability values, so that the cumulative
# function starts from (0., 0.)---there is no way to do this correctly
# starting from a square grid, but this should be good enough.
r += 0.5 * degrees_to_arcsec(self.cdelt2())
r = numpy.concatenate(([0.], r))
prob = numpy.concatenate(([0.], prob))
# Cache the approximate value of the half-energy window.
hew = 2. * r[numpy.searchsorted(prob, 0.5)]
# Create the actual spline, and we're good to go!
fmt = dict(xlabel='r [arcsec]', ylabel='PSF EEF')
return xInterpolatedUnivariateSpline(r, prob, k=1, **fmt), hew
def delta(self, size=1):
"""Return an array of random offset (in ra, dec) due to the PSF.
delta_ra, delta_dec = self.rvs_coordinates(size)
# Note that, since the WCS is centered in (0, 0) negative ra values
# get carried away near 360 degrees, so we have to fold them back
# explicitly.
delta_ra[delta_ra > 180.] -= 360.
return delta_ra, delta_dec