Source code for ixpeobssim.evt.fmt

# Copyright (C) 2022, the ixpeobssim team.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

"""Basic data format definitions for the event lists.

from __future__ import print_function, division

from ixpeobssim.core.fitsio import xPrimaryHDU, xBinTableHDUBase
from ixpeobssim.instrument.du import du_physical_name, du_logical_name
from ixpeobssim.utils.astro import xy_columns_kwargs, set_xy_header_limits, build_wcs
from ixpeobssim.utils.logging_ import logger
from ixpeobssim.utils.time_ import MISSION_START_MJD, MISSION_START_MJDREFF
from ixpeobssim.utils.time_ import met_to_string
from ixpeobssim.utils.units_ import arcsec_to_degrees, degrees_to_arcmin

# pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-many-ancestors, too-many-arguments, no-member

# Header keywords related to the telescope.
    ('TELESCOP', 'IXPE', 'Telescope name'),
    ('INSTRUME', 'GPD', 'Instrument name'),
    ('DETNAM'  , 'N/A', 'Name of the logical detector unit'),
    ('DET_ID'  , 'N/A', 'Name of the physical detector unit')

[docs] def set_telescope_header_keywords(hdu, du_id): """Set the telescope-related header keywords for a given HDU. """'Updating telescope header keywords for the %s HDU...', header = hdu.header header.set('DETNAM', du_logical_name(du_id)) header.set('DET_ID', du_physical_name(du_id))
# Header keywords related to time. _TIME_HEADER_KEYWORDS = [ ('TSTART' , -1, 'Observation start time in MET'), ('TSTOP' , -1, 'Observation end time in MET'), ('DATE-OBS', 'N/A', 'Observation start datetime'), ('DATE-END', 'N/A', 'Observation end datetime'), ('TELAPSE' , -1, 'TSTOP-TSTART'), ('TIMESYS' , 'TT', 'Time system'), ('TIMEUNIT', 'seconds', 'Time units'), ('TIMEREF' , 'LOCAL', 'Time reference'), ('MJDREFI' , MISSION_START_MJD, 'MJD ref day 01 Jan 2017 00:00:00 UTC'), ('MJDREFF' , MISSION_START_MJDREFF, 'Frac part of MJD ref (32.184secs+37leapsecs)'), ('TIMEZERO', 0., 'Zero time'), ('ONTIME' , -1, 'On source time'), ('LIVETIME', -1, 'On source time corrected for dead time'), ('DEADC' , -1, 'Dead time correction'), ('DEADAPP' , 'F', 'Has DEADC been applied to data') ]
[docs] def set_time_header_keywords(hdu, start_met, stop_met, duration, ontime, livetime, deadc): """Set the time-related header keywords for a given HDU. """'Updating time header keywords for the %s HDU...', header = hdu.header header.set('TSTART', start_met) header.set('TSTOP', stop_met) header.set('DATE-OBS', met_to_string(start_met)) header.set('DATE-END', met_to_string(stop_met)) header.set('TELAPSE', duration) header.set('ONTIME', ontime) header.set('LIVETIME', livetime) header.set('DEADC', deadc)
#Header keywords related to the object being observed. _OBJECT_HEADER_KEYWORDS = [ ('RA_OBJ' , 'N/A', '[deg] R.A. Object'), ('DEC_OBJ', 'N/A', '[deg] Dec Object'), ('RA_PNT' , 'N/A', '[deg] RA pointing'), ('DEC_PNT', 'N/A', '[deg] Dec pointing'), ('OBJECT' , 'N/A', 'Name of observed object') ]
[docs] def set_object_header_keywords(hdu, ra_obj, dec_obj, name=None): """Set the object-related header keywords for a given HDU. """'Updating object header keywords for the %s HDU...', header = hdu.header header.set('RA_OBJ', ra_obj) header.set('DEC_OBJ', dec_obj) header.set('RA_PNT', ra_obj) header.set('DEC_PNT', dec_obj) if name is not None: header.set('OBJECT', name)
COMMON_HEADER_KEYWORDS = \ _TELESCOPE_HEADER_KEYWORDS + _TIME_HEADER_KEYWORDS + _OBJECT_HEADER_KEYWORDS #Header keywords related to the WCS. _WCS_HEADER_KEYWORDS = [ ('EQUINOX' , 2000, 'equinox of celestial coord system'), ('RADECSYS', 'FK5', 'celestial coord system') ]
[docs] def set_wcs_header_keywords(hdu): """Set the WCS-related header keywords for a given HDU. """'Updating WCS header keywords for the %s HDU...', header = hdu.header for key, val, _ in _WCS_HEADER_KEYWORDS: logger.debug('Setting %s -> %s', key, val) header.set(key, val)
#Header keywords related to file. _VERSION_HEADER_KEYWORDS = [ ('FILE_LVL', 'LV2', 'File level'), ('LV2_VER' , -1 , 'Version of the LV2 data format') ]
[docs] def set_version_keywords(hdu, version): """Set the version-related header keywords for a given HDU. """'Updating version header keywords for the %s HDU...', header = hdu.header header.set('LV2_VER', version)
# Basic parameters for the output sky coordinates. _SKYCOORD_NUM_SIDE_PIXELS = 600 _SKYCOORD_PIXEL_SIZE = arcsec_to_degrees(2.6)
[docs] def standard_xy_columns_kwargs(ra0, dec0): """Return the appropriate keywords for the X and Y columns in event files. See """ return xy_columns_kwargs(ra0, dec0, _SKYCOORD_NUM_SIDE_PIXELS, _SKYCOORD_PIXEL_SIZE)
[docs] def set_standard_xy_header_limits(hdu): """Set the TLMIN and TLMAX keywords for the X and Y columns for a given hdu. """ set_xy_header_limits(hdu, _SKYCOORD_NUM_SIDE_PIXELS)
[docs] def build_standard_wcs(ra0, dec0): """Build the standard WCS object for event files programmatically. See """ return build_wcs(ra0, dec0, _SKYCOORD_NUM_SIDE_PIXELS, _SKYCOORD_PIXEL_SIZE)
# Definition of the WCS origin. WCS_ORIGIN = 1
[docs] def standard_radec_to_xy(ra, dec, ra0, dec0): """Convert sky coordinates to X and Y digital coordinates in the sky frame. This is builfding on the fly a standard IXPE WCS object centered at the given sky position, and using it for the conversion. Args ---- ra : array_like The array of input Ra coordinates. dec : array_like The array of input Dec coordinates. ra0 : float The Ra coordinate of the center of the field in the sky. dec0 : float The Dec coordinate of the center of the field in the sky. """ return build_standard_wcs(ra0, dec0).wcs_world2pix(ra, dec, WCS_ORIGIN)
[docs] def standard_xy_to_radec(x, y, ra0, dec0): """Convert X and Y digital coordinates to RA and DEC. This is builfding on the fly a standard IXPE WCS object centered at the given sky position, and using it for the conversion. Args ---- x : array_like The array of input X coordinates. y : array_like The array of input Y coordinates. ra0 : float The Ra coordinate of the center of the field in the sky. dec0 : float The Dec coordinate of the center of the field in the sky. """ return build_standard_wcs(ra0, dec0).wcs_pix2world(x, y, WCS_ORIGIN)
[docs] class xLvl2PrimaryHDU(xPrimaryHDU): """Level 2 primary header definition. """ HEADER_KEYWORDS = [ ('OBS_ID' , -1, 'Observation ID'), ('CONTNUMB', -1, 'Contact number'), ('OBS_MODE', 'OBSERVATION SIMULATION', 'Observation mode'), ('SRC_CONF', 'ASTRO', 'Source configuration'), ('ORIGIN' , 'IXPE team', 'Organization responsible for the data'), ('CALDBVER', -1, 'CALDB version'), ('CLOCKCOR', 'UNKNOWN', 'Whether the time has been corrected') ] + COMMON_HEADER_KEYWORDS + _VERSION_HEADER_KEYWORDS
[docs] class xBinTableHDUEvents(xBinTableHDUBase): """Binary table description for the EVENTS extension of the observation output files. """ NAME = 'EVENTS' HEADER_KEYWORDS = COMMON_HEADER_KEYWORDS + _WCS_HEADER_KEYWORDS + _VERSION_HEADER_KEYWORDS DATA_SPECS = [ ('TRG_ID' , 'J', None , 'Trigger identifier'), ('SEC' , 'J', 's' , 'Integral part of event time (MET)'), ('MICROSEC', 'J', 'us' , 'Fractional part of event time (MET)'), ('TIME' , 'D', 's' , 'Event time in seconds (MET)'), ('LIVETIME', 'J', 'us' , 'Live time since the previous event in microseconds'), ('PHA' , 'J', None , 'Event pulse height'), ('PI' , 'E', None , 'Event pulse invariant'), ('ENERGY' , 'E', 'keV' , 'Event energy in keV'), ('NUM_CLU' , 'I', '' , 'Number of clusters in the event'), ('DETX' , 'E', 'mm' , 'Reconstructed absorption point X (GPD frame)'), ('DETY' , 'E', 'mm' , 'Reconstructed absorption point Y (GPD frame)'), ('RA' , 'E', 'deg' , 'Event right ascension'), ('DEC' , 'E', 'deg' , 'Event declination'), ('X' , 'E', 'pixel', 'Event X position (SKY frame)'), ('Y' , 'E', 'pixel', 'Event Y position (SKY frame)'), ('DETPHI' , 'E', 'rad' , 'Photolectron emission angle (GPD frame)'), ('PHI' , 'E', 'rad' , 'Photoelectron emission angle (SKY frame)'), ('Q' , 'E', None , 'Corrected event q Stokes parameter'), ('U' , 'E', None , 'Corrected event u Stokes parameter'), ('W_MOM' , 'E', None , 'Event weight') ] def __init__(self, ra0, dec0, data=None, keywords=None, comments=None): """Overloaded constructor. We need this in order to update the DATA_KWARGS class member, so that when the constructor of the base class is called, the proper keyword arguments are passed to the X and Y FITS column creation. """ xkwargs, ykwargs = standard_xy_columns_kwargs(ra0, dec0) self.DATA_KWARGS = {'X': xkwargs, 'Y': ykwargs} xBinTableHDUBase.__init__(self, data, keywords, comments) # Note that we also have to set the limits for the X and Y columns for the # thing to be properly displayed in ds9. set_standard_xy_header_limits(self)
[docs] class xBinTableHDUMonteCarlo(xBinTableHDUBase): """Binary table description for the MONTE_CARLO extension of the observation output files, including the additional Monte Carlo fields. """ NAME = 'MONTE_CARLO' HEADER_KEYWORDS = [ ('IRFNAME' , 'N/A', 'name of the IRFs used for the simulation') ] + COMMON_HEADER_KEYWORDS DATA_SPECS = [ ('SRC_ID' , 'I', None , 'Monte Carlo source identifier'), ('MC_ENERGY', 'E', 'keV' , 'Monte Carlo event energy'), ('MC_PHA' , 'J', None , 'Monte Carlo pulse height'), ('MC_PI' , 'E', None , 'Monte Carlo pulse invariant'), ('MC_RA' , 'E', 'degrees', 'Monte Carlo right ascension'), ('MC_DEC' , 'E', 'degrees', 'Monte Carlo declination'), ('MC_X' , 'I', 'degrees', 'Monte Carlo event X position (SKY frame)'), ('MC_Y' , 'I', 'degrees', 'Monte Carlo event Y position (SKY frame)'), ('MC_GAIN' , 'E', None , 'Relative GEM gain used for the event') ]
[docs] def set_irf_name(self, irf_name): """Set the IRFNAME keyword. """ self.set_keyword('IRFNAME', irf_name)
[docs] class xBinTableHDUGTI(xBinTableHDUBase): """Binary table for the good time intervals (GTI). """ NAME = 'GTI' HEADER_KEYWORDS = COMMON_HEADER_KEYWORDS DATA_SPECS = [ ('START', 'D', 's', 'GTI start time'), ('STOP' , 'D', 's', 'GTI stop time') ]
[docs] class xBinTableHDURoiTable(xBinTableHDUBase): """Binary table for the good time intervals (GTI). """ NAME = 'ROITABLE' HEADER_KEYWORDS = [ ('ROIRA' , -1, 'right ascension of the ROI center'), ('ROIDEC' , -1, 'declination of the ROI center'), ('EQUINOX' , 2000., 'equinox for RA and DEC') ] + COMMON_HEADER_KEYWORDS DATA_SPECS = [ ('SRCID' , 'I' , None, 'source identifier'), ('SRCNAME', 'A20', None, 'source name') ]
[docs] def set_center(self, ra0, dec0): """Set the keywords for the ROI center. """ self.set_keyword('ROIRA', ra0) self.set_keyword('ROIDEC', dec0)
[docs] class xBinTableHDUSpacecraftData(xBinTableHDUBase): """Binary table for the spacecraft data. """ NAME = 'SC_DATA' HEADER_KEYWORDS = [ ('ROLL' , -1, 'spacecraft roll angle'), ] + COMMON_HEADER_KEYWORDS DATA_SPECS = [ ('MET' , 'D', 's' , 'Mission elapsed time'), ('RA_PNT' , 'E', 'degrees', 'Pointing RA'), ('DEC_PNT' , 'E', 'degrees', 'Pointing DEC'), ('LAT_GEO' , 'E', 'degrees', 'Spacecraft latitude'), ('LON_GEO' , 'E', 'degrees', 'Spacecraft longitude'), ('ALT_GEO' , 'E', 'km' , 'Spacecraft elevation'), ('SUN_ANGLE' , 'E', 'degrees', 'Angle between the Sun and the target'), ('IN_SAA' , 'I', None , 'SAA flag'), ('TARGET_OCCULT', 'I', None , 'Earth occultation flag') ]
[docs] def set_roll_angle(self, roll_angle): """Set the roll angle. """ self.set_keyword('ROLL', roll_angle)
[docs] class xBinTableHDUTimeline(xBinTableHDUBase): """Binary table for the timeline data. """ NAME = 'TIMELINE' HEADER_KEYWORDS = COMMON_HEADER_KEYWORDS DATA_SPECS = [ ('START' , 'D', 's' , 'Epoch start time'), ('STOP' , 'D', 's' , 'Epoch stop time'), ('IN_SAA' , 'I', None , 'SAA flag'), ('TARGET_OCCULT', 'I', None , 'Earth occultation flag') ]
[docs] class xBinTableHDUOCTI(xBinTableHDUBase): """Binary table for the on-orbit calibration time intervals (OCTIs). """ NAME = 'OCTI' HEADER_KEYWORDS = [ ('CALRUNS', -1, 'Number of on-orbit calibration runs'), ('CALTIME', -1, 'Total time for on-orbit calibration in s') ] + COMMON_HEADER_KEYWORDS DATA_SPECS = [ ('START', 'D', 's', 'OCTI start time'), ('STOP' , 'D', 's', 'OCTI stop time') ]
[docs] def set_cal_stats(self, num_runs, total_time): """Set the calibration statistics keywords. """ self.set_keyword('CALRUNS', num_runs) self.set_keyword('CALTIME', total_time)