Source code for ixpeobssim.core.stokes

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2018--2020, the ixpeobssim team.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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from __future__ import print_function, division

import numpy

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs] class xModelStokesParameters: """Small utility class to deal with the Stokes parameters in a source model context. Basically we provide conversion functions from Stokes parameters to polarizarion degree and angle and vice-versa. Note that all the algebra, here, is coded in terms of the reduced Stokes parameters q = Q / I and u = U / I. The reason is twofold: * when we simulate a model we typically decouple the definition of the spectrum from that of the polarization pattern; * when converting polarization degree and angle to Stokes parameters we can only calculate, by definition, q and u---not Q and U. For completeness: be aware that all the angles are measured in radians, and if you want to operate with degrees it is the user's responsibility to do the conversion outside this class. """
[docs] @staticmethod def polarization_degree(q, u): """Convert q and u to the corresponding polarization degree. """ return numpy.sqrt(q**2. + u**2.)
[docs] @staticmethod def polarization_angle(q, u): """Convert q and u to the corresponding polarization angle (in radians). """ return 0.5 * numpy.arctan2(u, q)
[docs] @staticmethod def q(polarization_degree, polarization_angle): """Convert a polarization degree and angle (in radians) into the corresponding q reduced Stokes parameter. """ return polarization_degree * numpy.cos(2. * polarization_angle)
[docs] @staticmethod def u(polarization_degree, polarization_angle): """Convert a polarization degree and angle (in radians) into the corresponding u reduced Stokes parameter. """ return polarization_degree * numpy.sin(2. * polarization_angle)
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize(QU, I): """Calcualate the Stokes normalized Q parameter. """ qu = numpy.full(I.shape, 0.) mask = I > 0. qu[mask] = QU[mask] / I[mask] return qu
[docs] @staticmethod def pdpa_to_xy(pol_deg, pol_ang, degrees=False): """Convert polarization degree and angle into the x and y components of the polarization vector. This is assuming that the position angle is measured starting from the celestial North, see for more discussion about this. .. warning:: This nd the following function are encapsulating our convention for measuring position angles, and should be probably better suited in a different module? """ if degrees: pol_ang = numpy.radians(pol_ang) x = -pol_deg * numpy.sin(pol_ang) y = pol_deg * numpy.cos(pol_ang) return x, y
[docs] @staticmethod def qu_to_xy(q, u): """Conver the Stokes parameters into the x and y components of the polarization vector. """ pd = xModelStokesParameters.polarization_degree(q, u) pa = xModelStokesParameters.polarization_angle(q, u) return xModelStokesParameters.pdpa_to_xy(pd, pa)
[docs] class xDataStokesParameters: """Small utility class to deal with the Stokes parameters in a data analysis context. Warning ------- This is work in progress, and the class methods are known to fail by ZeroDivisionError in some circumstances. """
[docs] @staticmethod def polarization_degree(I, Q, U, dI, dQ, dU): """Return the polarization degree and proparate the uncertainties. """ p = xModelStokesParameters.polarization_degree(Q / I, U / I) dp = (1. / I) * numpy.sqrt( p**2. * dI**2. + Q**2. / (I**2. * p**2.) * dQ**2. + U**2. / (I**2. * p**2.) * dU**2.) return p, dp
[docs] @staticmethod def polarization_angle(Q, U, dQ, dU): """Return the polarization angle and proparate the uncertainties. """ phi = xModelStokesParameters.polarization_angle(Q, U) dphi = numpy.sqrt( U**2. / (4 * (Q**2. + U**2)**2.) * dQ**2. + Q**2. / (4 * (Q**2. + U**2)**2.) * dU**2. ) return phi, dphi