#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2015--2020, the ixpeobssim team.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
"""Facilities related to FITS I/O.
from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
from matplotlib.ticker import LogFormatter, LogFormatterSciNotation, LogLocator
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.wcs import wcs
from astropy.visualization.wcsaxes import WCSAxes
from astropy.visualization import simple_norm
from ixpeobssim.__version__ import TAG as IXPEOBSSIM_VERSION
from ixpeobssim.utils.time_ import current_datetime_string_utc
from ixpeobssim.utils.logging_ import logger, abort
from ixpeobssim.utils.matplotlib_ import plt, plot_arrows
from ixpeobssim.utils.os_ import check_input_file
from ixpeobssim.utils.units_ import arcmin_to_degrees, degrees_to_arcsec
from ixpeobssim.utils.astro import square_sky_grid
from ixpeobssim.utils.matplotlib_ import draggable_colorbar
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-many-arguments, no-member, consider-using-f-string
# From https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/fitsio/c/c_user/node20.html
# Codes for the data type of binary table columns and/or for the
# data type of variables when reading or writing keywords or data:
# #define TBIT 1 /* 'X' */
# #define TBYTE 11 /* 8-bit unsigned byte, 'B' */
# #define TLOGICAL 14 /* logicals (int for keywords */
# /* and char for table cols 'L' */
# #define TSTRING 16 /* ASCII string, 'A' */
# #define TSHORT 21 /* signed short, 'I' */
# #define TLONG 41 /* signed long, */
# #define TLONGLONG 81 /* 64-bit long signed integer 'K' */
# #define TFLOAT 42 /* single precision float, 'E' */
# #define TDOUBLE 82 /* double precision float, 'D' */
# #define TCOMPLEX 83 /* complex (pair of floats) 'C' */
# #define TDBLCOMPLEX 163 /* double complex (2 doubles) 'M' */
# The following data type codes are also supported by CFITSIO:
# #define TINT 31 /* int */
# #define TSBYTE 12 /* 8-bit signed byte, 'S' */
# #define TUINT 30 /* unsigned int 'V' */
# #define TUSHORT 20 /* unsigned short 'U' */
# #define TULONG 40 /* unsigned long */
# The following data type code is only for use with fits_get_coltype
# #define TINT32BIT 41 /* signed 32-bit int, 'J' */
'E': numpy.float32,
'D': numpy.float64,
'I': numpy.int16,
'J': numpy.int32
def copy_hdu_list(hdu_list):
"""Create a copy in memory of a HDU list.
Note that the HDUList class provides a copy() method, but this is a shallow
copy that is still tied to the underlying file the HDU list is read from:
As a workaround we copy the HDUs one by one and assemble them back into a
HDUList object.
return fits.HDUList([hdu.copy() for hdu in hdu_list])
def read_hdu_list_in_memory(file_path, extension='fits'):
"""Read a fits file and store the HDU list in memory.
This is a convenience function that is meant to open a file within a context
manager (so that it is properly closed after the fact) and create a copy
of the content in memory. This is less than trivial, as astropy typically
keeps some kind of pointer back to the original file when dealing with FITS
files, and it is not obvious how to make sure that all the resources are
properly closed at runtime.
check_input_file(file_path, extension)
logger.info('Reading (in memory) %s...', file_path)
with fits.open(file_path, lazy_load_hdus=False, mmap=False) as hdu_list:
hdu_list = copy_hdu_list(hdu_list)
return hdu_list
def find_column_index(hdu, col_name):
"""Return the index corresponding to a given column name within a binary table,
and None when the column does not exists.
hdu : fits.BinTableHDU instance
The underlying HDU
col_name : str
The name of the target column.
col_names = [col.name for col in hdu.data.columns]
return col_names.index(col_name)
except ValueError:
logger.warning('Could not find column %s in extension %s.', col_name, hdu.name)
return None
def set_tlbounds(hdu, col_name, min_, max_):
"""Set the proper TLMIN and TLMAX header keywords for a given column in a
given HDU.
if not isinstance(hdu, fits.BinTableHDU):
raise RuntimeError('HDU %s is not a binary table.' % hdu.name)
index = find_column_index(hdu, col_name)
if index is None:
logger.error('Cannot set TLMIN/TLMAX for column %s in extension %s', col_name, hdu.name)
col_index = index + 1
logger.info('Updating bounds for column %s in extension %s...', col_name, hdu.name)
for key, value in zip(('TLMIN%d' % col_index, 'TLMAX%d' % col_index), (min_, max_)):
logger.info('Setting %s -> %d', key, value)
hdu.header.set(key, value)
class xHDUBase:
"""Base class for FITS HDU.
def add_keyword(self, key, value, comment=''):
"""Add a keyword to the table header.
self.header.set(key, value, comment)
def set_keyword(self, key, value):
"""Set a keyword into the table header.
self.header.set(key, value)
def __str__(self):
"""String formatting.
return repr(self.header)
class xPrimaryHDU(fits.PrimaryHDU, xHDUBase):
"""Class describing a primary HDU to be written in a FITS file.
This is initializing a standard astropy.io.fits.PrimaryHDU object and
adding the creator and creation time fields.
creator : str
The application that created the header (defaults to `ixpeobssim`, and
the ixpeobssim tag is automatically added.)
def __init__(self, data=None, header=None, creator='ixpeobssim', keywords=None,
if keywords is None:
keywords = []
if comments is None:
comments = []
fits.PrimaryHDU.__init__(self, data, header)
self.header.set('CREATOR', '%s ver. %s' % (creator, IXPEOBSSIM_VERSION),
's/w task which wrote this dataset')
self.header.set('DATE', current_datetime_string_utc(), 'file creation date')
self.setup_header(self.HEADER_KEYWORDS + keywords,
self.HEADER_COMMENTS + comments)
class xBinTableHDUBase(fits.BinTableHDU, xHDUBase):
"""Binary table HDU class.
This is a small wrapper around a standard binary table to facilitate
NAME = None
def __init__(self, data=None, keywords=None, comments=None):
if keywords is None:
keywords = []
if comments is None:
comments = []
if data is not None:
# The data can be passed in the form of a dictionary, in which the
# columns are automatically extracted.
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = [data[name] for name in self.spec_names()]
if len(data) != len(self.DATA_SPECS):
abort('Data-specs length mismatch (%d vs. %s)' % (len(data), len(self.DATA_SPECS)))
cols = []
_kwcomments = {}
for i, item in enumerate(self.DATA_SPECS):
if len(item) == 4:
name, format_, units, comment = item
_kwcomments[name] = comment
elif len(item) == 3:
name, format_, units = item
elif len(item) == 2:
name, format_ = item
units = None
# New switch to support the necessary keyword arguments for the
# X and Y columns
if self.DATA_KWARGS is not None:
_kwargs = self.DATA_KWARGS.get(name, {})
_kwargs = {}
if len(_kwargs):
logger.info('Passing %s keyword argument(s) to column %s...', _kwargs, name)
if data is not None:
col = fits.Column(name, format_, units, array=data[i], **_kwargs)
col = fits.Column(name, format_, units, **_kwargs)
data = fits.FITS_rec.from_columns(cols)
fits.BinTableHDU.__init__(self, data)
# Set the extension name, if necessary.
if self.NAME is not None:
# Add the additional keywords and comments to the header.
self.setup_header(self.HEADER_KEYWORDS + keywords,
self.HEADER_COMMENTS + comments)
# And we need to loop one more time to take care of the comments on the
# columns, if any (could not find a way to do this on the columns
# directly).
for i, col in enumerate(self.columns):
if col.name in _kwcomments:
comment = _kwcomments[col.name]
self.set_keyword_comment('TTYPE%d' % (i + 1), comment)
def spec_names(cls):
"""Return the name of the data fields specified in the SPEC class
return [item[0] for item in cls.DATA_SPECS]
def spec_names_and_types(cls):
"""Return the name of the data fields specified in the SPEC class
return [item[0:2] for item in cls.DATA_SPECS]
def set_ext_name(self, name):
"""Set the extension name for the binary table.
self.add_keyword('EXTNAME', name, 'Name of this binary table extension')
def __str__(self):
"""String formatting.
return '%s\n%s' % (repr(self.header), self.data)
class xFITSImageBase:
"""Base class describing a FITS image.
file_path : string
The path to the FITS file containing the image.
DEFAULT_RECT = (0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8)
def __init__(self, file_path):
self.hdu_list = read_hdu_list_in_memory(file_path)
self.primary_hdu = self.hdu_list['PRIMARY'].copy()
self.wcs = wcs.WCS(self.primary_hdu.header)
self.data = self.primary_hdu.data
def __iadd__(self, other):
"""Support for image addition.
This comes handy, e.g., when loading binned maps in FITS format for the
three Detector units and displaying the combined map.
assert isinstance(other, self.__class__)
assert self.data.shape == other.data.shape
self.data += other.data
return self
def get(self, keyword, default=None):
"""Retrieve the value of a primary header keyword.
return self.primary_hdu.header.get(keyword, default)
def shape(self):
"""Return the shape of the image.
return self.data.shape
def crval1(self):
"""Return the value of the CRVAL1 header keyword.
return self.get('CRVAL1')
def crval2(self):
"""Return the value of the CRVAL2 header keyword.
return self.get('CRVAL2')
def crpix1(self):
"""Return the value of the CRPIX1 header keyword.
return self.get('CRPIX1')
def crpix2(self):
"""Return the value of the CRPIX2 header keyword.
return self.get('CRPIX2')
def cdelt1(self):
"""Return the value of the CRVAL1 header keyword.
return self.get('CDELT1')
def cdelt2(self):
"""Return the value of the CRVAL2 header keyword.
return self.get('CDELT2')
def delta(self):
"""Return the pixel increment in the ra and dec coorinates.
return numpy.array([self.cdelt1(), self.cdelt2()])
def inner_radius(self):
"""Return the inner radius of the image in degrees.
return 0.5 * abs(self.delta() * self.shape()).min()
def sky_bounding_box(self):
"""Return the bounding box of the FITS image in sky coordinates, i.e.,
a 4-element tuple of the form (ra_min, dec_min, ra_max, dec_max).
nx, ny = self.shape()
ra_min, dec_min = self.wcs.wcs_pix2world(-0.5, -0.5, 0)
ra_max, dec_max = self.wcs.wcs_pix2world(nx - 0.5, ny - 0.5, 0)
return ra_min, dec_min, ra_max, dec_max
def center(self):
"""Return the sky coordinates of the image center.
nx, ny = self.shape()
x, y = 0.5 * nx - 1., 0.5 * ny - 1.
return self.wcs.wcs_pix2world(x, y, 0)
def __call__(self, i, j):
"""Return the value of the underlying map for a given pixel.
Note the addressing is in FITS space, i.e., one pixel unit is subtracted
in both dimensions to address the underlying numpy array.
I am not sure this is even used, and given the ambiguity we have with
the wcs origin in general, I would be in favor of deprecating this.
return self.data[i - 1][j - 1]
def make_plot(data, wcs_, slices=None, zlabel=None, stretch='linear',
ticks=None, colorbar_format=None, **kwargs):
"""Underlying plotting routine.
This is implemented as a staticmethod in such a way it can be called
from external methods dealing with multi-dimensional data arrays, which
are not readily supported in the base class. This is achieved by
passing the slices argument, aling with the proper data slice.
data : array_like
The underlying data to be plotted.
wcs_ : astropy.wcs object
The WCS object defining the transformation from pixel to sky coordinates.
slices : tuple, optional
Verbatim from the astropy.visualization documentation:
For WCS transformations with more than two dimensions, we need to
choose which dimensions are being shown in the 2D image. The slice
should contain one x entry, one y entry, and the rest of the values
should be integers indicating the slice through the data. The order
of the items in the slice should be the same as the order of the
dimensions in the WCS, and the opposite of the order of the
dimensions in Numpy. For example, (50, 'x', 'y') means that the
first WCS dimension (last Numpy dimension) will be sliced at an
index of 50, the second WCS and Numpy dimension will be shown on
the x axis, and the final WCS dimension (first Numpy dimension)
will be shown on the y-axis (and therefore the data will be plotted
using data[:, :, 50].transpose())
zlabel : str
The label for the z axis (e.g., the colorbar).
stretch : {‘linear’, ‘sqrt’, ‘power’, log’, ‘asinh’}, optional
The stretch function to apply to the image.
ticks : array_like or ticker, optional
The explicit setting for the colorbar ticks.
colorbar_format : {None, 'log', 'scilog'}, optional
Optional string for the colorbar formnatting.
kwargs : dict
All the keyword arguments passed to plt.imshow().
# Set sensible overall default.
kwargs.setdefault('cmap', 'afmhot')
kwargs.setdefault('aspect', 'equal')
# Handle vmin and vmax. This needs special care, as since matplotlib
# 3.3 vmin and vmax shound not be passed as kwargs to functions using
# colormappings when norm is used, as in our case.
vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin', data.min())
vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax', data.max())
# If the stretch is logarithmic we do some magic to make sure we get
# sensible default settings.
if stretch == 'log':
# For a log stretch we have to make sure that vmin > 0.
if vmin == 0.:
# Note this might fail if the image has no positive values
# (e.g., if it is identically zero.)
vmin = data[data > 0.].min()
except ValueError:
# In which case we literally have to make something up.
vmin = 0.1
if vmax <= vmin:
vmax = 1.
# If we're not setting the formatter for the color bar, use a
# logarithmic formatted in scientific notation.
if colorbar_format is None:
colorbar_format = 'scilog'
# If we're not setting the locator for the color bar, use a
# plain logarithmic locator.
if ticks is None:
ticks = LogLocator()
# Set up the image normalization. Note we adjust the log_a argument
# simple_norm() in such a way the powers of ten are equispaced on the screen.
log_a = vmax / vmin
norm = simple_norm(data, stretch, clip=True, log_a=log_a, min_cut=vmin, max_cut=vmax)
# Set up the formatter for the color bar.
if colorbar_format == 'scilog':
colorbar_format = LogFormatterSciNotation(labelOnlyBase=True)
elif colorbar_format == 'log':
colorbar_format = LogFormatter(labelOnlyBase=True)
# We're ready to move on with the actual figure.
fig = plt.gcf()
ax = WCSAxes(fig, xFITSImageBase.DEFAULT_RECT, wcs=wcs_, slices=slices)
im = ax.imshow(data, norm=norm, **kwargs)
ax.set_xlabel('Right Ascension (J2000)')
ax.set_ylabel('Declination (J2000)')
colorbar = draggable_colorbar(im, format=colorbar_format, ticks=ticks, pad=0.05)
if zlabel is not None:
return fig
def plot(self, zlabel=None, stretch='linear', ticks=None,
colorbar_format=None, **kwargs):
"""Plot the underlying FITS image.
Since ixpeobssim version 8.9.0 this not using aplpy under the hood
anymore, see https://bitbucket.org/ixpesw/ixpeobssim/issues/272
zlabel : string
The text label for the colorbar (use None for no colorbar)
All the keyword arguments passed to plt.imshow()
return self.make_plot(self.data, self.wcs, None, zlabel, stretch, ticks,
colorbar_format, **kwargs)
def add_label(text, x=0.1, y=0.9, **kwargs):
"""Add a label to an image.
This is a shortcut to have all the formatting defined.
text : string
The label text
x : float
The x position of the label in relative coordinates
y : float
The y position of the label in relative coordinates
All the keyword arguments passed to plt.text()
kwargs.setdefault('color', 'white')
kwargs.setdefault('size', 'large')
kwargs.setdefault('ha', 'left')
kwargs.setdefault('transform', plt.gca().transAxes)
plt.text(x, y, text, **kwargs)
def recenter(self, ra, dec, radius):
"""Recenter the image.
ra : float
The RA position of the circle center in decimal degrees.
dec : float
The DEC position of the circle center in decimal degrees.
radius : float
The radius of the region in arcseconds.
x, y = self.wcs.wcs_world2pix(ra, dec, 0)
dx = radius / degrees_to_arcsec(abs(self.cdelt1()))
dy = radius / degrees_to_arcsec(abs(self.cdelt2()))
plt.gca().axis([x - dx, x + dx, y - dy, y + dy])
def add_circle(self, x, y, radius, mode='radec', **kwargs):
"""Add a circle to the image.
Note that the x and y coordinates can be either RA and Dec in decimal
degrees (if mode='radec') or relative to canvas coordinates
(if mode='canvas').
x : float
The x position of the circle center (Right Ascension in decimal
degrees if relative=False, relative position in canvas coordinates
if relative=True).
y : float
The y position of the circle center (Declination in decimal degrees
if relative=False, relative position in canvas coordinates if
radius : float
The radius of the circle in arcseconds.
mode : {'radec', 'canvas'}
Optional flag defining how the center of the circle is expresses:
in right ascension and declination ('radec') or in relative
canvas coordinates ('canvas').
kwargs : dict
All the keyword arguments passed to the matplotlib Circle patch.
kwargs.setdefault('color', 'white')
kwargs.setdefault('fill', None)
assert mode in ('radec', 'canvas')
if mode == 'radec':
x, y = self.wcs.wcs_world2pix(x, y, 0)
radius /= degrees_to_arcsec(abs(self.cdelt2()))
elif mode == 'canvas':
kwargs.setdefault('transform', plt.gca().transAxes)
radius /= degrees_to_arcsec(self.inner_radius())
circle = Circle((x, y), radius, **kwargs)
def add_circle_radec(self, ra, dec, radius, **kwargs):
"""Convenience function, see add_circle().
self.add_circle(ra, dec, radius, mode='radec', **kwargs)
def add_circle_canvas(self, ra, dec, radius, **kwargs):
"""Convenience function, see add_circle().
self.add_circle(ra, dec, radius, mode='canvas', **kwargs)
def square_sky_grid(self, nside, ra0=None, dec0=None, half_size=None):
"""Create a square, regular grid in ra and dec.
This is essentially an overloaded version of the
utils.astro.square_sky_grid() method, where the arguments are inferred,
when possible, from the underlying image structure.
if ra0 is None:
ra0 = self.crval1()
if dec0 is None:
dec0 = self.crval2()
if half_size is None:
half_size = self.inner_radius()
half_size = arcmin_to_degrees(half_size)
return square_sky_grid(nside, (ra0, dec0), half_size)
def plot_arrows(self, nside, model, threshold=0., **kwargs):
"""Overlay arrows on an image.
plot_arrows(self.square_sky_grid(nside), model, threshold, **kwargs)