Source code for ixpeobssim.binning.fmt

# Copyright (C) 2015--2022, the ixpeobssim team.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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"""Format definitions for binned data products.

from __future__ import print_function, division

from ixpeobssim.core.fitsio import xBinTableHDUBase
from ixpeobssim.irf.ebounds import TLMIN, TLMAX

# pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-many-ancestors

[docs] class xBinTableHDUPHA1(xBinTableHDUBase): """Binary table for binned PHA1 data. """ NAME = 'SPECTRUM' HEADER_KEYWORDS = [ ('HDUCLASS', 'OGIP'), ('HDUCLAS1', 'SPECTRUM'), ('HDUCLAS2', 'TOTAL'), ('HDUCLAS3', 'RATE'), ('CHANTYPE', 'PI'), ('HDUVERS' , '1.2.1', 'OGIP version number'), ('TLMIN1' , TLMIN, 'first channel number'), ('TLMAX1' , TLMAX, 'last channel number'), ('CORRSCAL', 1., 'scaling for correction file'), ('POISSERR', False, 'use statistical errors'), ('BACKFILE', ''), ('CORRFILE', ''), ('SYS_ERR' , 0.), ('AREASCAL', 1.), ('BACKSCAL', 1.) ] DATA_SPECS = [ ('CHANNEL' , 'J'), ('RATE' , 'E', 'counts/s'), ('STAT_ERR', 'E', 'counts/s'), ]
[docs] class xBinTableHDUPCUBE(xBinTableHDUBase): """Binary table for binned PCUBE data. """ NAME = 'POLARIZATION' HEADER_KEYWORDS = [] # Be careful: if you change any of these, make sure you update the # MDP_COLUMNS and POL_COLUMNS class members below, as this all need to be # in synch with the MDP and polarization maps and map cubes. DATA_SPECS = [ ('ENERG_LO', 'E', 'keV', 'low energy bound'), ('ENERG_HI', 'E', 'keV', 'high energy bound'), ('E_MEAN' , 'E', 'keV', 'average energy within the bin'), ('COUNTS' , 'J', '' , 'number of counts'), ('MU' , 'E', '' , 'effective modulation factor'), ('W2' , 'E', '' , 'sum of weights squared'), ('N_EFF' , 'E', '' , 'effective number of events w/o acceptance correction'), ('FRAC_W' , 'E', '' , 'N_EFF / COUNTS'), ('MDP_99' , 'E', '' , 'minimum detectable polarization at the 99% CL'), ('I' , 'E', '' , 'I Stokes parameter'), ('I_ERR' , 'E', '' , '1-sigma uncertainty on I'), ('Q' , 'E', '' , 'Q Stokes parameter'), ('Q_ERR' , 'E', '' , '1-sigma uncertainty on Q'), ('U' , 'E', '' , 'U Stokes parameter'), ('U_ERR' , 'E', '' , '1-sigma uncertainty on U'), ('QN' , 'E', '' , 'normalized Q Stokes parameter Q/I'), ('QN_ERR' , 'E', '' , '1-sigma uncertainty on Q/I'), ('UN' , 'E', '' , 'normalized U Stokes parameter Q/I'), ('UN_ERR' , 'E', '' , '1-sigma uncertainty on U/I'), ('QUN_COV' , 'E', '' , 'covariance between QN and UN'), ('PD' , 'E', '' , 'measured polarization degree'), ('PD_ERR' , 'E', '' , '1-sigma uncertainty on the polarization degree'), ('PA' , 'E', 'deg', 'measured polarization angle'), ('PA_ERR' , 'E', 'deg', '1-sigma uncertainty on the polarization angle'), ('P_VALUE' , 'E', '' , 'p-value for the null hypothesis (no polarization)'), ('CONFID' , 'E', '' , 'confidence of the polarization detection'), ('SIGNIF' , 'E', '' , 'detection significance in equivalent gaussian sigma') ] COL_NAMES = [col_name for col_name, *_ in DATA_SPECS] # Be careful: these need to be in synch with the DATA_SPECS above. # MDP_COL_NAMES defines the extensions of the MDP maps and map cubes. # POL_COL_NAMES defines the extensions of the polarization maps and map cubes. MDP_COL_NAMES = COL_NAMES[2:10] POL_COL_NAMES = COL_NAMES[2:]
[docs] class xBinTableHDUEBOUNDS(xBinTableHDUBase): """Binary table for storing energy bounds. .. warning:: Can we just reuse the same extension from the response matrix? """ NAME = 'EBOUNDS' HEADER_KEYWORDS = [] DATA_SPECS = [ ('ENERG_LO', 'E', 'keV'), ('ENERG_HI', 'E', 'keV') ]
[docs] class xBinTableHDULC(xBinTableHDUBase): """Binary table for binned LC data. """ NAME = 'RATE' HEADER_KEYWORDS = [] DATA_SPECS = [ ('TIME' , 'D', 's' , 'time at the bin center'), ('TIMEDEL' , 'D', 's' , 'bin size'), ('EXPOSURE', 'D', 's' , 'exposure in bin'), ('COUNTS' , 'D', 'counts', 'photon counts'), ('ERROR' , 'E', 'counts', 'statistical errors') ]
[docs] class xBinTableHDUPP(xBinTableHDUBase): """Binary table for binned PP data. """ NAME = 'RATE' HEADER_KEYWORDS = [] DATA_SPECS = [ ('PHASE' , 'D', 's' , 'phase at the bin center'), ('PHASEDEL', 'D', 's' , 'phase bin size'), ('COUNTS' , 'J', 'counts', 'photon counts'), ('ERROR' , 'E', 'counts', 'statistical errors') ]
[docs] class xBinTableHDUTHETABOUNDS(xBinTableHDUBase): """Binary table for storing off-axis angle bounds. """ NAME = 'THETA_BOUNDS' DATA_SPECS = [ ('THETA_LO', 'E', 'arcmin'), ('THETA_HI', 'E', 'arcmin') ]