.. _interoperability: Inter-operability ================= This section covers the inter-operability between the ``ixpeobssim`` modules and data products and the standard tools of the X-ray community. .. warning:: This section is a stub and needs to be expanded. Spectro-polarimetry ------------------- XSPEC ~~~~~ `XSPEC `_ is the primary benchmark for the ``ixpeobssim`` tools and data product, and the relevant interfaces are covered in the section about :ref:`xspec`. Sherpa ~~~~~~ `Sherpa `_ is the `CIAO `_ modeling and fitting application. Among other things, it supports the XSPEC spectral models and provides a more modern (and Pythonic) interface to the underlying facilities. The inter-operation between ``ixpeobssim`` and Sherpa has been demonstrated at the prototypical level, and the related activity is tracked at `issue #291 `_. 3ML ~~~ The `3ML `_ Multi-Mission Maximum Likelihood framework provides a common high-level interface and model definition, interfacing under the hood to the official software of the various missions. 3ML provides experimental support to IXPE, which is illustrated, e.g., `here `_. Timing ------ HENDRICS ~~~~~~~~ `HENDRICS `_, the High-Energy Data Reduction Interface from the Command Shell, is sophisticated timing analysis package for X-ray astronomy. HENDRICS has been tested against ``ixpeobssim`` simulations, see, e.g., `here `_.